*The Rescue*

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The Captains and Lieutenant gathered their most trusted men, outside of the castle clearing. At the crack of dawn. The atmosphere was tense however, soldiers were skeptical about what's going to happen. The sheer size of the soldiers gathered, looked as if they were off to war.

"I think it would be wise, for us to reduce, the number of men you all bring", Murata said crossing his arms above his chest.

Gwendal raised a brow towards Murata, he examined his men along with the others. He sighed.

"The size is just fine", he said.

"Lord Voltaire...He sighed, ruffling his hair. may I remind you that we're not trying to start a war here? When the people of Lubeck see this amount of soldiers they're going to assume we are".

*******1 hour later******

"OKAY MEN, ARE WE READY TO MOVE OUT?" Wolfram shouted he was on his horse ready to leave.

"YES!" They bellowed, swords ready and chest out proudly. They were ready to save their King.

Wolfram and his men lead the way, while his brothers were at his side and their squads behind them. Naveria was riding her horse alongside wolfram. The child took a liking to him, in her eyes he looked like an angel.

**** 3 long traveling days later****

The Captains and their squads reached the top of the hills. The manor was insight. They traveled through the dark forest, to not raise suspicion from the people of Lubeck.

As the group got closer to the manor, wolfram and his brothers dismounted. Naveria descended also, she tugged at wolfram's sleeve.

"I-I...um... I can show you where he's being held". Her voice was shaky wolfram could tell the girl was scared.

He signaled for his men, to stay behind only a few followed him.
Naveria walked around the manor past the gardens. Bringing them to the very back of the manor. She walked to the window at the very end. She pointed to a specific window, residing on the third floor.

"He's in that room right there, my master has at least two of his most trusted guards, outside his door".

"Hmph, those fools couldn't take me" Wolfram snorted.

The two traveled back in front of the manor. His brother's and men all looked exhausted. He brushed a hand through his gold locks sighing.

"Conrad, Big Brother we found the room Yuuri's being kept in. Me and a few of my men will enter the manor and retrieve him".

"That is out of the question! Wolfram listen it could be dangerous. We have no way of knowing if it's a trap" Conrad argued.

"That is precisely why we're going in with him" Gwendal replied.

"What?!, me and my men will be just fine! do you both really have so little faith in me!?" Wolfram let out balling his fist at his sides.

Both the brothers sighed, knowing once their stubborn baby brother. Has his mind made up he sees it through.
One of his brothers decided to follow wolfram into the castle. Conrad followed close behind, while Gwendal and a few of Conrad's men stayed outside.

The group made their way down the hallway, the outside light making its way inside through a window. Footsteps are the only sounds they hear walking down the halls. Hands-on the hilt of their sheaths, ready to draw and strike at any given moment.

"Why is it so quiet? you'd think there would be more guards present" Wolfram said.

His eyes were scanning in every direction, keeping an eye out for guards. Naveria was holding wolfram's sleeve, walking next to him. She furrowed her brows seeing a figure moving towards them. It was hard to make out. A few guards were running towards them at full speed.

The soldiers drew their swords, in a stance ready to fight. Soldiers in blue and beige raced ahead of their captains to fight. Clashing swords with the guards. They were even in strength, swinging their swords around to strike the guards weak points.

A few broke through the shield they made to protect their captains. Running straight towards them clashing swords once again. Wolfram strikes knocking the guards out unconscious. A guard eyed Naveria and scowled at her in disgust. She was frightened of witnessing such a hateful expression directed towards her.

A guard made is a way towards the child ready to swing. Naveria braced her self for the impact that never came.


She opens one eye, to see Conrad blocking the attacker from striking the child.

"You have some nerve wanting to harm a child!" Conrad snarled.
Conrad swung his sword and struck the guard behind the head. His body fell to the ground with a thud.

"Naveria!. Please run away from here, we will meet you in the room Yuuri's in!" Conrad declared, raising his sword towards the rest of the guards running towards them.

Naveria was stuck to her spot, she balled her fist and ran. Down the halls she went, she peeked over her shoulder watching the soldiers and Captains take out the guards.

Once Naveria reached the door, she hunched over catching her breath. Panting she jiggled the handle, opening it. She glanced inside her eyes full of shock. Closing the door quietly.

M-master was still inside?!, it-but why he was to have left last night.

Naveria tugged at her hair, twirling it around her fingers. A hand rested on her shoulder making her flinch. The color draining from her face, thinking she's been caught. She looked up and dropping to the floor, seeing it was just Wolfram. He was panting, Conrad and his men were not too far behind him.

"Stop it! please... haven't you done enough....already. Ah!. Sto-Mmp!". A weak voice protested from the other side of the door, followed by a muffled scream.

Wolfram burst through the doors. He snarls at what he sees in front of him. A stranger is sitting on his fiance's waist. His Lips were attached to His Yuuri. His fiance' was struggling underneath the stranger.

"Get. Away. From. HIM!." Wolfram sneered.

"Ho ho, what's this?. So you've come to Demon... " Klaus mocked, swinging his leg off Yuuri's body, but not before giving yuuri a quick lick to his cheek.

This seemed to piss wolfram off the edge. He charges towards Klaus, the man dodges the attack, then leg swipes wolfram. Wolfram's head hits the ground with a huge Thud. The impact doesn't faze Wolfram as he jumps to his feet, fast as lightning.

Klaus starts to chuckle, running towards wolfram he pulls a dagger from his pants leg. Stabbing it into wolfram's stomach. Splotches of blood dripped from the dagger, the ground was slowly coated in red. Wolfram's eyes were wide as he stared down at the dagger gritting his teeth.

Klaus pulls the dagger from his stomach, he watches with a grin as the demon prince falls to the ground.

"No.....NO...NOOO!!, WOLF!" yuuri screams from the bed, tugging at the chains holding him against the bed. Tears falling his face he stares daggers at Klaus, A twisted smile appeared on his abductors face.


A blue hue envelopes Yuuri's body, his eyes switch into cat-like slits.


Water dragons emerged from a bucket, encircling Klaus lifting him up and squeezing his body. His face starts to turn a shade of purple.

A cough in the distance compels the King to drop the body being held by his dragons. He didn't care if the man was injured or not. That display was enough to strike fear in his eyes.

Water wraps wolfram's torso. A warm green light forms, covering his full body as the dragons are swirling around him, creating a cocoon. The blue hue leaves Yuuri, making him stagger a bit he's caught in the arms of his God Father.

Naveria peered, into the room blinking a few times. She sees her master knocked out and a weird white entity leaving his mouth staying in only one spot.

A smile forms on her lips as she walks into the room.

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