~Chapter 1~

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"Hey, a Latte and a Caramel Frap, please," Danielle ordered. She was gonna surprise her best friend with her favorite Starbucks drink. "Names?" the waiter asked. "Danielle for the Latte and Kaylee for the Frap." She popped the 'p' almost unnoticeably. Not so unnoticeable: the sound of some high-pitched squeals and an 'omg it is her' not so far away from where she was standing. 'Fans', the 19-year old woman thought as she prepared herself for some pictures.

When she was done with the pictures and hugs, she got out of the Starbucks shop and stepped inside of her car, on her way to work. She drove off of the highway and thought about what Kaylee's reaction would be at her (literal) sweet surprise.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she almost forgot to take the turn to the left. She caught herself with a wide smile on her lips, thinking about how happy Kaylee made her. She loved her best friend and wouldn't trade her for anything.

The auburn-haired girl pulled up on the parking lot of the set and got out of her car, unhesitant and excited to share her good mood with her colleagues.


"Oh my fucking god!" Kaylee screamed, leaving a short pause between every word. "Russell. You're officially the best best friend ever," the taller girl smiled. She bent down slightly to capture the petite girl in her arms, in the middle of the hallway, where all the doors of their dressing rooms were located.

Danielle felt a soft blush coming and giggled: "How did I predict your reaction so perfectly?". Before Kaylee could answer, their small chat got cut off by a familiar voice screaming: "Enough Hosie, make room for Mosie!", only to earn an eye roll from the shorter girl: "You know that's never gonna happen, Quincy. Hosie is clearly the superior ship, and deep down even you know that, no matter how stupid you are," Danielle smirked. The boy faked being offended by putting his hand on his chest. Even though he's a fairly talented actor, the girls both knew he was faking it.

They all started laughing and Danielle walked up to Quincy with her arms wide open: "You know I'm just playing with you," she giggled. "You better be!" Quincy winked at the girl in front of him. Danielle closed her arms when the boy stepped inside of them, wrapping his around her small body, too. He didn't squeeze too hard, 'cause he's always scared to break her body since she was so little, which made her look so fragile.

"Um, excuse you, Mister Quincy Fouse! I saw that! No winking at my wife!" Kaylee shouted while running over to the boy, ready to start tickling him if he made another move that was too flirty to Kaylee. The boy is extremely ticklish, and the brunette knew that. She took advantage of that weakness whenever she needed to.

The now slightly jealous girl wrapped her arms around Danielle's waist and pulled her away from the grinning boy. Danielle was surprised by the contact and bit her lip, feeling Kaylee's body pressed to hers. The jealous girl planted a soft kiss on the slightly startled Danielle's cheek.

The older girl squinted her eyes at the giggling boy before starting to giggle along. She let go of her hold on the smaller girl and Danielle couldn't help but be slightly disappointed at the lack of contact.


"Bye guys! We love you! Don't forget to watch the first episode of Legacies, October 25 only on the CW!" Kaylee ranted off like it was her favorite line of a song. She snorted after ending the live: "That rhymed". Quincy laughed and shook his head: "Well, I'm gonna get going. I gotta be on set in two, so". Danielle nodded, too busy studying her script to pay attention to anything they were saying, and her best friend noticed that.

When Quincy left, she asked: "What's up with you?" she joined Danielle on the big bean bag chair that stood in the middle of her changing room, "You didn't even say hi in my live." The smaller girl looked up from her script and stared in the brunettes chocolate brown eyes: "This scene with Aria is hella intense..." she said, pointing to a few lines on her paper. Kaylee started reading them and bit her lip after she finished, not being able to help the fact that she feels the deep pressuring feeling of jealousy.

Danielle stared at her face to read her facial expressions while Kaylee scanned her eyes over the same sentence again and again.

"Hope is seated on Landon's lap and kisses him passionately while removing her cardigan, not breaking their kiss..." Kaylee read out loud.

She forced a smile and looked up at Danielle: "Wow... you must be really excited for that scene." The auburn-haired girl slapped the brunette girl's arm softly. "Shut up", she giggled. Kaylee loved how much her best friend giggled, especially when she caused the melodic sounds to escape her mouth.

She caught herself staring at her best friend's lips. "The only person I'd enjoy doing that with is you," the younger girl winked, sending shivers all over the now blushing girl's spine. "And maybe the writers will make that happen once," the flirty Danielle shrugged her shoulders and smirked, noticing how wide her best friend's eyes were, scanning the room everywhere but where she was sitting.

Danielle liked teasing her best friend like that, it gave her an empowering feeling. Kaylee, on the other hand, was desperately trying to find something to shoot back at the auburn-haired girl. "Well..." she started. Danielle couldn't help but smirk when she noticed how off guard she got the older girl. That changed when Kaylee drew a thick grin on her face and leaned over to the shorter girl's ear. "We don't need the writer's permission for that," Kaylee whispered seductively.

Danielle was speechless and was never so thankful when Aria barged into Kaylee's changing room causing the girls to pull away from each other quickly. "Hey Dani-", he shot a fast smile at the two girls, their hearts pounding like they just ran a marathon."-Aria do you know how to fucking knock?!" Kaylee cut him off. "Oh I- sorry Kay, I've just been desperately looking for Danielle for a while," he pointed his thumb over his shoulder, to the hallway: "We're gonna start filming soon, you coming?" Danielle nodded and the two girls now both noticed how out of breath he was.

"I'm sorry for my reaction, Aria, you just scared us to death," the older girl said and her best friend just kept on nodding, still trying to process the words the other girl whispered in her ear not a minute ago. "Again; I'm sorry," he smiled. Secretly, Aria was a bit scared of Kaylee. It just seems like she holds so many power, to him.

"Why were you two so close to each other, by the w-" "-Okay time to go-o," Danielle almost sang, not wanting to hear the end of that question. "Bye-bye wifey," Kaylee winked. "See you later," Danielle sighed, letting out her breath, which she didn't know she was holding.


Hey guys, this was the first chapter of my first Legacies-related story. I hope you all enjoyed it, and I'm sorry if my vocabulary isn't on the highest level, but I'm not fluent in English,
so¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯. I try my best tho! Feel free to comment on some spelling mistakes or tips. Thanks for reading :')

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