~Chapter 2~

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"And three, two, one... action!" the director shouted, making Kaylee flinch, which caused Danielle to chuckle. The girls were about to film a scene for the episode 'There's a World Where your Dreams Came True'. The two were seated on a sofa, facing each other. They had this fairly flirty and short scene to shoot and they were both very much prepared for it. The two best friends didn't have any lines, they just had to act.

Kaylee put her hands on Danielle's, who winked at the older girl making them both laugh in a loud and flirty way. "Cut! That was wonderful girls, very realistic!" John Hyams complimented them excitedly. The girls smiled in response.

Kaylee studied Danielle's face: "Why are you blushing so much?" she asked, removing her hands from the grip her best friend had on them to readjust her hair. "You're okay, right?" she added after Danielle took a little too long to respond.

"Yes, of course. I'm just tired," she lied. The truth is that she was completely starstruck by her best friend's elegance. "It's 8 am, weirdo," Kaylee laughed. The younger girl flushed even more now that she'd been caught lying. Luckily, the brunette just shook it off.

"Okay guys, part two of this Hosie scene," John announced, clearly being very entertained by his job. Danielle tried to take her eyes off of Kaylee, who was joking around with one of the cameramen. When the man walked back to his spot and the brunette went back to sitting the way she did before, everyone got ready for part two.

After a minute or two, an audible 'action' was heard. Danielle put her hand on Kaylee's bare thigh and she could already hear all the fans screaming... or was she the one who was internally screaming? She snapped out of her thoughts when a 'cut' echoed through the stillness.

"Okay guys that was great, thank you. Next scene's with Matt, Jenny and Kaylee, so if you could follow me, that would be great, sweetie," John spoke that last part directly to Kaylee. She nodded and got up. "I'll see you at lunch!" the brunette waved at the younger girl and walked away.

Danielle's breath got taken away at the sight of her best friend following the director, wearing a short dress and high heels.


Danielle sighed and put her phone down. Ever since she watched her best friend walk away like that, she'd been imagining things she shouldn't. Bad things. Things she wanted to do to Kaylee, and she didn't know how she should feel about that.

The dress, the heels, the eyes, the lips, the body. Those things that built up this feeling in her lower stomach and heated things up between her legs. She wanted all of Kaylee. The auburn-haired girl shook her head, stood up from her couch and walked over to her trailer's fridge for a glass of water. A bright pink post-it caught her attention.

'Meet me on the Salvatore stairs at 10.'

Danielle took it off of the fridge and checked the back. No name. She checked her phone and put it in her pocket. It was 10:03 am. She didn't hesitate about going or not since her friends did this all the time. The auburn-haired girl rushed out of her trailer and headed off to the set.

"Here you are!" Quincy greeted and stood up from the famous Salvatore stairs. "I almost doubted that you'd come! Why are you 5 minutes late?" the boy asked curiously. "Well, I don't take a trip to my fridge to eat every second of the day," Danielle giggled when Quincy rolled his eyes.

"So what do you want to talk about?" she asked. "So... I may or may not have seen you drool over Kaylee..." the boy spoke slowly, scared of triggering his best friend. "...I... I can... explain?" Danielle didn't know what to do. Silence was heard on set.

"Look, I get it okay? Kaylee is smoking hot and super nice and perfect and such but... I didn't know you like girls?" the boy spoke carefully. "Trust me... me neither," Danielle fidgetted with her fingers. "I still don't know for sure, you know? I can't say that I have feelings for Kaylee, but I do think she's... truly pretty," the girl sighed and smiled softly at the thought of her best friend. "I... I want to make sure that I like her before confronting her about it," she spoke softly but surely.

Quincy snorted: "I notice the way you look at her. You like her, but if you need time to figure out your feelings, I understand. If I can help you, please tell me," he smiled in a way that confirmed that Danielle's secret was safe with him. "Thank you," she almost whispered and pulled him in for a hug. "You're the best," she sighed again and felt tears sting in her eyes.


When Danielle entered the refectory, the first thing she saw was Kaylee talking to Jenny and Quincy, who were sitting across her. She stood still in the door frame, too stressed to move. She walked up to the table after she breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth.

"Hey D!" Jenny greeted her. "Hi, Jenny! It's been a while!". She desperately tried to sound normal and avoid any contact with the hot brunette. "I bought you something," Kaylee smirked and picked up a paper bag with a big 'M' on it. Danielle gasped: "McDonald's!" she put her fists in the air: "Oh fuck Kaylee I love you!". Quincy snorted and almost spilled his tea: "That's what she said". If looks could kill, Quincy would've been long gone.

Kaylee laughed and handed her best friend the bag. "Since you bought me that Starbucks, I thought I could return you the favor!" she explained. "You can return her that favor in a different way, too," Quincy smirked, earning a slap on his arm from Danielle. "Shut up," she hissed.

The 19-year-old girl thanked the brunette and sat down next to her, starting to unpack the bag, while Jenny and Quincy started talking about their thoughts on MG and Lizzie as a couple. Kaylee was too busy watching the excited girl next to her to join in on the chat.

Danielle licked her lips at all the food in front of her, causing Kaylee to bite her lip and blurt out an idea. "Hey D?" Kaylee spoke softly. "Yes K?" Danielle answered, her eyes not leaving the delicious food. "I know this is very sudden but... do you wanna have a sleepover tonight?"

I am her Valentine (Danielle x Kaylee)Where stories live. Discover now