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"Who are you? You the one at the fucking doorstep nigga"I shot back

"I'm Ryan's boyfriend"He replied

"She never said she had a boyfriend"I mumbled lowly

"Well she do"he made his way in the house

"Ryan!"he yelled

Within seconds Ryan and Jahseh came in the living room.

"Quincy what the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you but who the fuck are these bum ass niggas?"

"Nigga I'll beat yo mothafuckin ass!"Jahseh said walking to him

Ryan grabbed Jahseh's arm pulling him behind her. "Q, you need to leave now!"

"I'm not leaving until I talk to you!"He yelled

"What the fuck is there to talk about?"Ryan asked

"About us"

"There is no us Quincy! We're done!"

"Look, it was a accident-"

"She said leave bruh"I said

Quincy clenched his jaw "Alright...I'll see you later Ryan"he walked out the door

"No you won't"I slammed the door in his face

Ryan sighed before running upstairs. I looked at Jahseh and he tried to go after her but I pulled him back. "I got it"

He gave me a confused look, I walked upstairs and stopped in front of Ryan's door hearing light sobs. I knocked on her door before opening it a little.

She was sitting on the edge of her bed with her head down. I walked in and her head raised up. She quickly wiped her tears as I sat beside her. "I'm okay Stokeley you didn't have to come up here"

"You wouldn't be crying if you were okay...what did he do to you?" I sked

"He...He cheated on me... and got the girl pregnant"She said as another tear slipped down her face

"I'm so sorry Ryan"I pulled her into a hug, she wrapped her arms around me

Jahseh pov

I watched Ryan and Stokeley hug as he rocked their bodies side to side. I glared at the sight in pure anger.

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply. I creeped back downstairs, grabbing my keys off the counter I went out the front door.

When I got in the car I reached under my seat and grabbed my crown royal bottle that I stole from the liquor store. I sipped a little bit before putting it back under my seat. I cranked up my car and pulled off.


I pulled up in my ex's driveway. Just as I was about to get out the car I saw her and some other nigga come out the house. She didn't even notice my car cause she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. I opened my car door and got out. They both noticed me then.

"What are you doing here Jahseh?"Cinthia asked

"Nah what is this nigga doing here?!"I yelled

"Yo don't talk to my girl like that!"He yelled at me

"Yo girl?"

"YES...his girl"Cinthia looked at him with a small smile


"Jahseh me and you are over...so please just leave"She wrapped her arms around the dude causing me to look down

"How could you just move on so fast Cin? You never loved me did you?"I asked

"I always loved you Jahseh..but you never loved me"Cinthia said

"Of course I loved you Cinthia! I loved you more than any fucking thing and you know that!"I yelled

"No you didn't or else you wouldn't have slept with my best friend!"She said clearly angry

"And I'm so sorry Cinthia..."

"I forgive you Jahseh...but can't forget...you need to leave now"She said before taking the guy hand and walking in the house

A tear slipped down my eye before I quickly wiped it. I got back into my car and pulled off. As I stopped at a red light, I pulled the crown royal from under my seat and took 2 long gulps before putting the top back on it. I placed it back under my seat. The light turned green and I sped off.

My life is over

There's no point in living

Nobody cares about me

I fucking hate myself

Ryan pov

"Yo it's been hours where is Jahseh?"Stokeley asked to himself

He was basically pacing back and forth. "Calm down Stokeley"I grabbed his arm and he sighed sitting next to me

"I've called him like 50 times bruh"His voice cracked

I rubbed his back in circles "I'm sure he's okay"

"I hope you're right Ryan"He sighed putting his head down

30 minutes later the front door opened. Jahseh came in causing Stokeley to jump up

"Jahseh! Where the fuck you been man? Ryan and I have been calling you for hours!"Stokeley yelled

"M..My phone..I uh...my phone dead"He was having a difficult time walking up the stairs

(Btw Jahseh and Stokeley have flip phones)

"Are you drunk?" Stokeley asked

"No-"He tripped and fell down the stairs

I shot up and walked over to him "Jahseh are you okay?!"I grabbed his arm

"Don't touch me"he snatched away from me

I strunched my face up in confusion. Stokeley shook his head in disappointment "Jahseh I'm just trying to help you"

"I...I don't need yo help"Jahseh got up and struggled his way up the stairs

"I'm sorry Ryan"Stokeley apologized

"It's okay"I said

Stokeley sighed "He's been having drinking problems since his mom kicked him out"

I nodded understanding "Yeah, that had to be hard on him"

"It was...Jahseh use to do bad things just to get her attention..he loved his mom so much, still do"Stokeley said

"Imma go talk to him"I walked up the stairs

I opened his bedroom door and saw him laying across his bed. I walked in and closed the door "Jahseh?"

He ignored me and continued to look at ceiling. I sat on the edge of his bed "you okay?"

He closed his eyes "What's the point in living?"

"What do you mean?"

"My whole life is filled with lies, and all I do is disappoint and hurt those close to me...I'm literally worthless bruh"

"Jahseh you're not worthless...you are worth...more than you could imagine"I assured him

"You're just saying that to make me feel better"Jahseh said opening his eyes

"No I'm not...I'm saying it because you really are"I said looking into his eyes

He sat up on the bed "I'm not"

"Yes you are...I know you're life has been hard Jahseh but-"

"It's not but's...I hate my life, nobody fucking cares about me anymore...it's not fair"He mumbled

"That's not true Jahseh...Stokeley cares"

"Stokeley has social anxiety...he doesn't know how to care or love anyone"He said sitting up

"Well...I care about you"

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