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Ryan pov

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Ryan pov

The next day

"Rise and shine!!"A familiar voice yelled

I jumped up out my sleep, getting blinded by Jahseh opening my curtains.

"W-What are you doing?"I asked squinting my eyes at him

"I'm waking you up"He smiled sitting on my bed

"Why?"I rubbed my eyes

"It's a beautiful day isn't it?"He asked looking outside

"Um yeah...it is"

He sighed deeply before grabbing my hand "Thank you for talking to me last night...and showing me that you care"

"No problem"I grinned

He smiled at me but it slowly went away as he looked at me with a slight glare. I felt his grip on my hand tighten. "You wouldn't lie to me would you?"

"N-No I-"

"Cause that would really hurt my feelings Ryan"He gritted

"Jahseh, you're hurting m-my wrist"

He blinked his eyes a few times and let go of my wrist "I'm sorry"

I rubbed my wrist as he quickly got up and exit out of my room. I exhaled deeply feeling a little fear in my heart.

Stokeley pov

I looked up at the stairs and Jahseh coming down. "Yo, we gotta talk"I followed him to kitchen

"About?"He asked

"Last night...you wanna tell me where you been?"

"I just...was driving around, trying to clear my head"He said taking some bacon, butter and eggs out the fridge

"Then why the hell did you come back drunk?"

He glanced at me before grabbing a pan and placing it on the stove. "Jahseh, I asked you a fucking question"



"So?"He questioned

"You cheated on her with her best friend"I scoffed

"And I apologized"He mumbled nonchalantly

"Imagine if you came to my house and see me and Cinthia fucking? How would you feel?"

He glared at me "why would you put that thought in my head?!"

"How would you feel?"I repeated

He looked down "Broken, Angry, humiliated-"

"Okay, so how do you think she felt?"

"She moved on too fast Stokeley...if she really loved me she wouldn't have"

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