Chapter 8, Something I can't name.

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& we couldn't wait to grow up


   Veedkha could feel the break of a sweat on her forehead, salty fluids effortlessly trailed down the sides of her face soaking the cloth wrapping her head. Her armpits were already mapped with the yellow dampness of sweat and she dreaded the fact that Edward hadn't sweated as much as her yet he was a fully grown man.

She was a living hormone and her depression was soon to win over her happiness if she didn't stop being a disgusting creature. Not to mention the lack of deodorant in this backward place or bathing soap to beg for life.

"Argh," she fought to steady her hands above her head holding Alexandra's limp upper half towering over her.

Edward stood opposite her carrying the lower and larger weight of Alexandra's heavy muscle body with a horse standing in between them. They were trying to lift him onto its back but Veedkha could barely move him and yet she was loudly grunting as though Edward was the one tiring both of them.

They still stood in the burnt down camp compound surrounded by burnt ashy huts and destroyed property. After rummaging through the stables and finding the last surviving horse, he had requested Veedkha to help lift Alexandra's unconscious body onto the horse.

"First put him back down," Edward sounded strained, neck veins popping as he moved to the side placing Alexandra's body onto the dusty ground. They took a five minute breather deciding to try again.

She clasped her fingers under his neck and hoisted his upper body with Edward wrapping his arms around his lower abdomen, Alexandra  suddenly released goggling sounds from his throat unable to breathe with her choking hold.

He vigorously coughed, his body driving to survival mode and awakening him from his unconscious state. The first thing he felt was a start of a migraine cracking over his entire scalp, his head throbbed in pain and he raised a hand to feel the back of his head.

None of them had yet noticed and mid air in the process of hoisting him above her shoulders to eventually slide him onto the horse's back, Veedkha's eyes locked with the panicked wide gaze of Alexandra, he had woken up to his body suspended in air and the girl's pimpled forehead all up in his face.

She panicked.

Her nervous system worked way faster than her understanding and when she noticed his bulged out eyes as his lips parted to scream and Veedkha hastily loosened her grip on him catching Edward off balance.

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