The new motive

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We all piled into the train, each one of us had determination in our eyes. How could we not? Apparently, Byakuya had been a survivor of the hopes peak academy killing game and then was the first victim of our killing game. We had to find out the truth about our old friend. Not only that, we had to find out about the future foundation. 

"Komaeda, do you think there are Actually clues about the future foundation?" Komaeda looked at me with a puzzled look.

"I don't take monokuma for a liar, he's been truthful and straight to the point with us so far. Maybe there is a..."

Before Komaeda could finish his sentence, a thick white fog filled the air.

"W-what the hell?" I stuttered and covered my mouth. It smelt horrible.

"Poisonous gas?" Gundham said almost to himself.

The white smoke suffocated us, I couldn't breathe. If I tried to breathe in, I could possibly die. I felt someone touch my shoulder, but when I turned around I could only see a faint silhouette. I felt the grip get lighter and lighter until something fell on top of me. The small flash of a dark green made my arms fly out in front of me to hold the person up. I looked to see a limp Nagito in my arms. I gasped, breathing in more of the gas. My vision began to become even worse. The green of his jacket mixing in with the white fog, until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

I regained consciousness to feel uncomfortably cold. My eyes began to flutter open and I was met with a bright color of red. I quickly pulled myself up to my elbows. I looked around the room to see everyone else laying on the floor. 'I guess I woke up first' Eventually I heard a groan and turned to my left to see kazuichi pulling himself up.

"W-what happened?" He asked while rubbing his head.

"We were knocked out by that gas," I said taking a fresh breath. It smelt of strawberries. I finally decided to get a good look at my surroundings while the rest woke up. the room was decorated in strawberry wallpaper, the aroma of strawberries filled the air. It made me so hungry, reminding me I haven't eaten since morning. There was a clock set on the wall that read out 3:47. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and saw Chiaki and Komaeda standing behind me. Komaeda set out his hand to help me up, I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

"I guess we should go investigating," I mumbled. Everyone split up into pairs. I was about to join Komaeda when, "Chiaki let's be partners!" Komaeda said with a smile.

"Hey can I join you guys," kazuichi said nervously. I looked at the three and they look back. Komaeda looked at me with pity. "Hajime, are you okay with working alone?" He asked. I felt a bit betrayed, but I had to just deal with it. "Yeah, I'm okay with it."

"Sorry Hajime, you're really cool but after all of this I'm a bit suspicious." Kazuichi began to sweat.

"Suspicious? Suspicious of what?" I began to feel nervous. Did they think I was the traitor? 

"Well, you kind of seem suspicious you know? You don't remember your ultimate talent and we don't know anything about you. That would seem suspicious to you, wouldn't it? I'm sorry you really seem cool but, I've got to protect myself you know?" Kazuichi's voice was laced with hesitation. My eyes widened. 'Do I actually seem that suspicious? They actually think I'm the traitor?' I looked towards Nagito but he didn't say anything.

"It's fine, I understand where you're coming from. Good luck investigating," I said as I walked away with my head hung low. The loud footsteps of Nekomaru following me could be heard, but I ignored them. I didn't want to seem upset in front of them, but I couldn't help it. Even Nagito thought I was suspicious?

Time skip!

Everyone had grouped back together, we began discussing what he had found. Unfortunately, we didn't find much. Suddenly monokuma appeared with Monomi. Monokuma went around handing everyone blueprints. He explained the layout of the place, but then he explained the motive.

"Okay okay now let's get to the exciting part! Your new motive! You are not allowed to leave until a killing occurs! Until then, you are not allowed to eat! Yup you heard correctly, you are going to starve until someone decides to kill!"

My jaw dropped. Someone has to kill otherwise we'll all starve to death.

"That's not all folks! There is also something called the final dead room. If you can get past it, an incredible reward awaits you! Beware, it is deadly!" Monokuma laughed. Everyone let the newfound information sink in. Eventually, we all decided it would be best to go to our rooms for the night. However, I had other plans. I walked through the rows of rooms until I found Nagito's.  I knocked on the door, the sound of shuffling inside made me positive he was in there. After a few seconds, the doorknob turned and the door slowly opened. Nagito moved to the side as I shuffled in.

"Hey Ko," I said hesitantly. He didn't respond, he just looked at me curiously.

"I wanted to ask you something,"

"Go on," He seems impatient, but he quickly composed himself to his natural laid back self.

"do you think I'm the traitor?" I quickly spat it out, afraid of the response. He took a second to respond.

"No, I don't." I let go of a breath I didn't even know I had been holding.

"However, I'm not denying the possibility. The traitor, getting close to someone and then betraying them. It's possible and has been done before I'm sure. I just really don't want it to be you." He said calmly. He was right though, someone here is a traitor, everyone is a suspect. Including myself, and Komaeda.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you suspected me as the traitor, everyone here is a suspect." He continued like he read my mind. I walked towards him and cupped his face in my hands, I planted a soft kiss on his lips. I pulled away and smiled, "I don't think you're the traitor Ko, you're too sweet and hopeful." His eyes widened but they immediately softened. "I don't think you're the traitor, you're way too cute to be a traitor." He said, pulling me into another kiss.

Okay so maybe this chapter took like ten days to get out, we don't talk about that okay? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

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