The final dead room

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Three days since they arrived.

I could feel myself becoming weaker, the strawberry and grape scents filled my lungs making me hungrier. Every single person had become weaker, you could just see the despair written all over them. Everyone was walking slowly, their backs slouched, and everyone was incredibly pale. I had stayed in my room for the entire day because I was too scared to waste my energy. Eventually, we wouldn't have any left.

A faint knock at my door snapped me out of my thoughts.  I slowly crawled out of my bed and made my way towards it, twisting the doorknob. On the other side was Sonia, her usual cheerful expression replaced with one of despair.

"Hajime," she started. "Everyone is meeting in strawberry house. Please join us." I nodded my head in agreement as she turned on her heel and walked away. I took a quick shower and left to meet everyone. When I got there, everyone was discussing something.

"Sorry I'm late," I laughed dryly taking a spot next to Komaeda. He hadn't even noticed, he seemed to be in very deep thought. Everyone looked towards me and nodded.

"We're here to make an agreement, nobody is to enter the final dead room, no matter what. Are we all on the same page?" Gundham said sternly. Everyone nodded in agreement. Except for Komaeda. I gently hit his shoulder to get his attention, his head popped up as he looked at everyone in confusion.


"Are you going to listen? Or are we going to have to tie you up again?" Souda said in an intimidating tone. Komaeda nodded his head and began to go back into his thoughts.

"Oh, also Hajime since you were late you didn't hear, but tomorrow at 7:00 am we're all doing Tai chi with Monokuma!" Nekomaru roared.

I rolled my eyes, "I'll be there." Everyone shuffled out of the room, but I followed Komaeda. I had a feeling he was up to something and I had to know what. I followed him quietly as he split from the group going to the rooms. He carefully made his way to the final dead room. My eyes widened as we stood at the entrance. Right before he was about to enter, Monomi appeared.

"Stop! You can't go in there!" Monomi yelped.

Komaeda took a deep breath and rolled his eyes. He quickly regained his normal calm composure. "I'll be fine, now please move out of my way. After all, I am the ultimate lucky student. It isn't much of a talent, but I'm still ultimate level, you know?" He said crossing his arms impatiently. Komaeda took another step closer to the room, and Monomi. Monomi jumped up and pushed him to the ground.

"Ahh, I'm sorry! I don't like violence but you cannot go into that room!" She said firmly. Komaeda still seemed to be in shock from her previous move. He sat up on his elbows and groaned.

"Hajime! Please come out and escort Nagito to his assigned room," Monomi called out. I felt my body freeze In place, he wasn't supposed to know I was following him. I slowly moved away from the corner so I was in view. Nagito looked stunned, but he didn't dare say anything. I walked towards him and held out my hand, he hesitantly grabbed it and I helped him up. I smiled towards Monomi as she said her goodbyes.

I sighed, "I told you not to go in there." Komaeda didn't respond. He continued to walk next to me, his hands were in his pockets and his head was down. We made our way to his room in silence. Once we had arrived he unlocked the door and stepped in, closing the door behind him. He didn't even say goodbye. I sighed and turned on my heel, making my way back to my room. Once I was back, I couldn't help but notice the urge I had to not be in that room. I felt dizzy, I wanted to vomit. It must've been a side effect for starvation. I took a seat on my bed and placed my head in my hands. Eventually, that terrible feeling went away. I heard a knock at my door, it was quiet and faint. I stumbled and peeked out the door and saw Komaeda. I opened the door and he welcomed himself in.

"Thanks for stopping me back there," he said softly.

I smiled, "of course." He looked around my room and smiled softly.

"Isn't it crazy, I've been stuck in this killing game for weeks, it should've been hell for me. But for some reason, it wasn't."

"What're you talking about?" I asked.

"Well, everyone has gone through hell, they've all lost someone, but they still look forward. Fuyuhiko lost peko, Akane lost Nekomaru just for him to be replaced as a robot. Even Hiyoko lost Mahiru, but she still kept going. However, I still have you. I don't deserve you. It makes me wonder, am I going to lose the person I care about?" He said looking towards me.

I smiled reassuringly, "I won't be going anywhere, as long as you don't." I quickly wrapped my arms around him, his slim frame leaned against mine.

"My main concern is losing you Ko, so don't do anything stupid like going into that damn room, okay?" I asked, nuzzling my head into his neck.

"Trash like me? Your main concern? Don't be stupid Hajime."

"You aren't trash, for the 500th time," I mumbled.

"Can I stay here for the night?" He asked. I nodded and laid down on my bed. He followed suit, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him.

"Goodnight Hajime."


Woo the next morning!

At exactly 7:00 am I was awakened to the sound of loud knocking at my door. I looked around but Nagito was nowhere to be found. I walked towards the door and opened it to see Nekomaru. He dragged me out of my room and brought me to akane and monokuma. I forgot about the whole "tai chi" ordeal. But now that I was being forced to be in it, I wish I was one of the others who hid from Nekomaru. After two hours of that torture, I made my way back to my room. I decided to take a nap, as I was exhausted from that torture.

Hajime slept until that night because he's a sleepy boy.

The loud sound jolted me awake, I looked around my room for the source but found nothing. I figured that sound was something from my dreams, so I laid back down.

The next morning

I woke up to the morning announcement, I felt decently impressed by how refreshed I was just from that long nap. I took a shower and made my way out to the hall but I was met with a gruesome sight. Nekomaru, his body was broken into bits on the ground, blue liquid spilled out. I was taken aback, confused as to what was going on. Eventually, Akane had walked into the room. "What's that smell, it's disgusting...." her sentence faded as she looked at the scene in front of her.

"C-coach nekomaru!" She cried out.

A body has been discovered.

I stared with pity as I watched akane hold onto his head, she was sobbing. Whispering to him as if it would bring him back somehow. I walked over to her and rested a hand on her back. She looked up at me and I smiled at her.
"We'll find out who did this, I promise." She smiled back, sucking in her tears.

"Y-Yeah. Crying isn't going to make anything better." She carefully placed him down, and stood up, dusting off her skirt. "Let's get to investigating!" She said with a new determination.

Well, we all know the shit storm that's going to be coming very soon! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

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