1- Joint Effort (Acquaintances to Friends)

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   Grian was a man on a mission. 

Joining Hermitcraft was a huge milestone for him, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to have it easy. Being the so-called "Noob" was harder than anything he had done before. From the whole scute situation to needing almost two hundred blocks of dark prismarine blocks for one build, he was not having it easy! He was suffering from how much grinding it even took to just build his FIRST base! All the dye, the sand, the coal...All of it took almost four days to get itself. He certainly needed to find some help, and fast. He knew no one on the server. Except...

Mumbo Jumbo.

Mumbo was the only person on the server he truly knew to any extent. They were friends, of sorts. Were they friends? Grian didn't know at this point. He thought about their relationship more than he really should. Mumbo was way more professional and neat with everything, nothing compared to Grian and his very sloppy mess. Redstone was so foreign to him, it might as well have been from a whole different country! (It practically is, but still!) Mumbo always called it "Simple and precise timing!" and considered the witchcraft a breeze. Grian was completely banned from any of the red dust unless he was told to pick some up for someone who could watch him closely. Mumbo was better at everything that Grian wasn't. The only thing that Mumbo was complete rubbish at was, in fact, building and designing. 

Grian knew that if he could talk Mumbo into it, he could grow his base faster than he was with just himself. Of course, he would help Mumbo as well. Maybe with materials and ideas, perhaps? Who knows what would happen? 

Grian decided on doing it professionally. Professional in the way of building his conference room, but also using what little Redstone knowledge he had to create a hidden design behind the wall. Everything had to be pitch-by-pitch perfect, no failure allowed. He worked on the Redstone longer than he really should have, with over twelve hours being clocked in on the mechanism itself, but only ten for building. Grian groaned in pain as he sat on the freshly placed chair he made for the conference, his arms burning from the total lack of rest they had. He was finally done with the project, but now looked, and smelled, like stone and coal. One could easily mistake him for a chimney sweep. He pulled himself up from a slumping position to sitting, before launching himself into a slumped over standing position. He straightened himself upright, stretching before running out of the room, heading to his base to change.

His underwater base's location was closer to mumbo's base then he thought, but that was not too surprising. They were on an ISLAND, after all. He ran to his indoor storage area, churning through the chests faster than one of those automatic storage systems everybody gushed over so fondly. His "closet" was simple: a rickety shucker box that never opened right. Its contents simple. Minimalist would be the term many would use for such a setup. Grian dug through the dingy object, tossing dressy shirts, hoodies, among other interesting clothing articles, all on the floor. His three-piece suit was a bright cherry-maroon color, saturated to the gods. It hurt to stare at, but it was his only fancy thing to wear. Grian made a note to find a better alternative as he tossed the old clothes onto the floor, sand and gravel debris tapping the floor in response.

Grian mulled over how to contact Mumbo in an effective way. He had seen Grian working on the project, so he knew that Grian was wanting to meet him. Grian decided on something simple: messaging the man directly. It was easy, as well as efficient! The messages were simple:

<Grian>: Mumbo?

Grian didn't expect Mumbo to respond immediately, of course. It was a little late and mobs were probably abound because of that. He wouldn't blame Mumbo for trying to turn it day. Then, a response. The notification sound the communicator made spooked him, making him jump and squeak like a bat. He read the simple message.

'Grumbo' (Mumbo x Grian) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now