Grian's Dress-Up Habits (Friends)

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Grian liked to dress up.

His normal burgundy wool sweater, grey jeans, and sneakers were nice and all, but as many of his colleagues had said to him, time and time again: "Variety is the spice of life!" The idea for a variation in his wardrobe happened after his first meeting with Mumbo, however. He felt the need to change. He started with details: black trim on the sweater he wore, new shoelaces, higher quality lightly colored contacts, the little things. He wanted to feel himself, but still be separated from the normal outfit. It slowly grew to one article at a time being different from day to day. First was a new pair of burgundy trainers, then dark navy jeans, then a basic graphic tee with a TNT block outlined in the upper middle. Grian was worried to escalate his wardrobe more, as he'd never truly tried to go farther. 

One day, about a month after his shift to variety, an event sparked up an interest in fashion for Grian. He was out with Stress and Joe, simply acting as a helper for their needs. He truly just thought of only helping them with whatever. It was then Stress squealed excitedly, running to the mall. Joe and Grian followed, seeing her move to a rack full of adult-sized onesies. He had seen them before, of course. Grian was just nervous about it. The idea of wearing one was one that left him with a weird feeling. 

Stress suddenly piped up. "Ah, Grian! Aren't these just the softest things you ever did feel?!" Her giddiness was contagious to Grian, as he smiled, nodding in agreement. Each one had a different feel, with the cow one being soft where it was brown, but rougher on the white patches., the enderman one feeling silky, and the polar bear one covered in an extremely thick faux fur material. Stress commented about how cute the off-color mooshroom ones were, while Joe monologued about the concept of acting ones age, which became a larger discussion between him and Cleo, who was on call with him. Grian side eyed a brown chicken onesie, curious about how it felt. He gently stroked the soft material, trying to figure out what it was made of. He was fairly sure it was microfiber.

He ended up buying a chicken onesie. It wasn't supposed to be for anything else but sleepwear for the colder days on the server. 

One day, however, Mumbo saw him in it.

It wasn't on purpose, of course. Grian had slept in on accident, weakened by the monsters and an ongoing head cold. He and Mumbo were supposed to meet at twelve, but that time had passed over an hour ago. Mumbo flew by to see if Grian was in, as while he knew Grian to be lightly scatterbrained, he was NEVER late. Mumbo knew Grian's base by heart as he had used many free hours to explore, traveling around the large tower to get to new places. The flight to the large "bedroom" was swift, with the whole ordeal taking a relatively small time. Mumbo sighed, worriedly tapping on his watch, which read one thirty-seven PM. 

"Grian! You here?" He called out, anxiety building higher than before. He searched around, before hearing a soft, weak response.

"M' 'ere..." Grian struggled to get up, onesie and blankets tied into a shoddily wrapped cocoon. He hobbled over slowly while Mumbo came closer. "Sorry.. meant to call n' cancel," he wheezed lightly from the cold's effects, each breath threatening to send him into a coughing fit.

Mumbo blinked promptly. "That isn't like you to not call. I take it something happened?" He knew that something possibly did, but asking was better than assuming. 

Grian took in a breath, before promptly coughing heavily, each one shaking his body. "I guess...I didn' have a good night.." he stated between shaking coughs.

Mumbo felt a twinge of guilt. "Oh." He rubbed his elbow. "Is there..anything I can possibly do?" He inquired weakly, nervous about Grian's current situation. "Do you need medicine, or food, or..anything?"

Grian weakly shook his head. "Jus' sleep and water.." he yawned.

Mumbo shifted his feet, before really looking at Grian for a second. The onesie was rather form-fitting, hugging his hips and waist. The arms of the elongated hoodie were baggy, almost wing-like. The legs were a yellow fabric, which matched partially with the light coffee brown of the onesie. Grian didn't have the hood up, but it was partially visible under Grian's mass of hair, which flew out into a flurry of dirty blonde puffs. "Ah, alright! Well, I'll take my leave. I don't need to bother you when you're ill!" He spun around to leave.

"Wai'..."Grian mumbled, gently grabbing Mumbo's sleeve. Mumbo turned slightly in response. "Promise you won' tell..?"

"About?" Mumbo turned a little more.

"Th' onesie..." Grian wiped some crust from his eye. He was sure he was trying not to cry.

Mumbo patted Grian's shoulder, smiling. "Of course, Gri! Your secret's safe here." Mumbo tapped the side of his head with his right ring finger, winking. "Still, I need to go continue with a storage unit," Mumbo pointed at himself. "And you need sleep. Now, go sleep." He gently bopped Grian's nose before rushing down the "chute" out of the tower.

Grian mumbled under his breath about "being grown enough to know when to sleep," before passing out in a thick mass of fabric, sleeping until six fourty AM the next day. When he awoke. He felt a certain amount of calm. The type only around for early morning rain or winter nights or days at a loved one's house. He picked up his communicator, the chicken keychain swinging wildly. He looked at his messages to see over ten messages from around four separate  hermits. 

Two came from both Joe and Stress, both of which simply said "thank you for the fun trip." The difference between the two was Stress littering hers in heart and ice emojis and an added gif of a happy snowman, and Joe's containing what would be considered a five-page essay. The next the next four were of Iskall sending a bunch of memes, Mostly about redstone and blocks. The final two were from Mumbo. 

Grian felt hesitant to open them, fearing that it was about him being absent from the meeting, or from sleeping in all day, or from any number of other things that he may have done wrong. He steeled his nerves, opening the first message, not looking at the little notifying see what it said.

<Mumbo>: Hey! Sorry about barging in yesterday! I just was worried about you missing the meeting. We'll just reschedule for it later on, since we're both busy! Hopefully you're over that cold a bit.

Grian felt a small amount of relief from the optimistic tone of the message, but remembered the secondary one. He clicked on the message, reading it aloud this time.

<Mumbo>: Also, you looked quite cute in the onesie. Brown suits you. :-).

Grian covered his face, certain he was blushing. 

He'd try and wear more brown.



2020 sucked. Here's to an update.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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