We Want To Hunt And Dean W. Supports Us.

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Alicia Grant's p.o.v.

The door opened and closed. Footsteps hit the ground in a pattern. The stairs creaked to the pressure being applied to them, and my heart raced more. It was Sam and Dean. I was dreading this moment since we got here.

Jack told me that it would be okay, but of course, I still worried. I could have killed that guy. Just because i was hurting someone else don't mean I should have out him in coma. I was only trying to stop that guy, but I got carried away. I wanted to do more.

"We're in the kitchen." Jack said, loudly enough for them to hear it. Jack and I sat at the table, books surrounding us. He was reading to me while I tried to listen, but I was mostly focused on this moment. What will happen when they get home? Well, they're home.

Sam walked in. Dean was a few feet behind him. His body slouched forwards. He was tired. It wasn't hard to tell. "Jack," Dean called out to Jack, "Go pack a bag." Dean simply said. Jack stood and glanced down at me with a quick smile. He walked off down the hall.

There goes my support system. I sighed and sank further down into my seat. "Alicia," Sam began, "We know you wanted to help the guy, but we need to set some rules." He sat in front of me, where Jack was seated before. I bet he's listening. Not even packing a bag. 

"I know." I said. Dean sighed and laid a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him. A sense of awareness washed over my body. I was wide awake now. Like before, the heat was soaring through me, but this time it seem to flow right to the skin underneath Dean's hand, alerting me that it was there. I need to control this. It's getting weird, and I don't like it. It's nice to think that I have a power, but it's being a lot to... I don't know how to describe it. 

"Trust me, I don't like rules either, but sometimes, they help. Set some limits." Dean replied. He removed his hand my shoulder. The heat went down. Covered my body again instead of that one spot. "Without limits, things tend to get out of hand." Sam added. He was giving a smile. One of reassurance. Telling me that this was for my own good, and it was. It really was for my own good, but a part of me wasn't listening. It wanted my mind to wander somewhere else, pulling farther into my own mind. I wanted to ignore what they was saying to me, but I kept listening. 

I don't know what the Phoenix part of me is doing to me, and I don't like it. "Alicia, do you get that?" Dean asked. I peered up at him and shook my head no. "I didn't hear it." I said softly. 

"We know it might be hard, but if you can, we need you to have self control." Dean said. "Control your strengths and the powers that might come later on. It may seem hard, but its possible." Sam said as well. 

"I will try to." I replied with a sigh. Dean cleared his throat. Sam and I looked up at Dean. He shoot me a quick smile before looking back at Sam. He coughed again. Sam let out a small gasp of air before letting a smile hang from his face. 

"We," Sam stopped before sighing, "A friend of ours caught a case. A spirit. We have to go work it. Everyone else is too busy." Sam finished. I nodded. 

"So, what do I do?" I sat up in my seat for the answer. Working a case seems fun. Easy, right? I wanted to help. I didn't want to be alone in the bunker because I was new. Or stuck in a dried, trash ban, weed smelling motel. I wanted to get out and do something that doesn't involve my powers. I could just do paperwork, or whatever.

"You can babysit Jack." Sam chuckled. Then Dean  said, "Or she can hunt." 

Sam stopped laughing. "No. She can't hunt. She can sit with Jack in the motel. Plus, he needs a friend." Sam says. His arms crossed over his chest. "It would only take a day to do it. Find the bones, burn it." He urged. Dean only shook his head. 

"Sam, we both know spirits are a tricky. We think we got, but them a day later, they got somebody else." Dean stated. Sam looked back at me. He looked me over before sighing. "Dean, she's not ready." He hesitated. That's when I spoke up.

"Sam, no offense, but you probably need some new eyes on the case anyway. I mean, you might miss something that I won't. Going over something a thousand times cost time. It's costing someone a life." I tried my best to convince Sam. Dean was already on board. 

"What about your powers? What if you get the urge to use them?" Sam argued back. Luckily, I had already though of that. "I read that leather gloves usually helped, I keep those. I'll make use I never take them off, and you guys can keep iron cuffs. If I get out of control on hunts, just slap those on my wrist." I persuaded them. 

I looked in between them. Dean looked at Sam, who had his head in his hands. 

"And I want to hunt again, too." Jack rounded the corner with a smile on his face. He winked at me. Dean turned to Jack, who had his bags in each hand. "After the hunt in Mississippi, you guys won't let me do anything fun." He complained. I let out a giggle. "Hunting not fun, Jack." Sam said, but with a smile. Hopefully, that means yes.

"I'll train Alicia. What she's going through, I kind of went through. I can relate to her. We can do this." Sam grinned. His smiled sharpen as Jack laughed. 

Jesus, Jack was so cute. 

Even his laugh made me smiled. 

Okay, maybe I need help.

"Then, it's settled." Dean clapped and laughed. "We're all hunters now." He proclaimed. I smiled and reached into my pocket. I pulled out my gloves and laid began to slip them over my hands. It seemed like every blood cell in my body screamed at me for wearing them, but I didn't care. I promised Sam and Dean. 

They watched me. The gloves felt foreign against my skin. It felt like something plastic mixed with slime. It was oddly cooling to the touch. I don't like it. Yet, it doesn't matter what I like. 

"What are we waiting for," I say with a smile. "Let's go kick some ghostie ass." 

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