chapter two

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"I close my eyes to the oranges skies, living all of my days the same

And you came along, and you sang your song

And the whole world around me changed

Violets and purples, diamonds and circles, you're my kaleidoscope

I love every minute, you've got me in it, you're my kaleidoscope


You keep turning, keep turning my life around"


a great big world

{ chapter two }

It's already been a hell of a day, and it's barely noon.

Avery got sick in the early morning and threw up, so I spent some time with her making sure it was just a one-time thing and that she could still go to school. If she couldn't, I'd have to figure out what the hell I had to do so I didn't miss my two classes today. But after falling back asleep for a few hours, Avery said she could go to school. I think I might treat her by getting her one of those new stuffed animals she's been wanting because she saved me from getting two percent off my final grade in both classes. Attendance matters a lot in the two classes I have on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but in my other two classes during the week it doesn't matter.

As I was sitting in my first class of the day, I paid more attention to the thoughts bouncing around my mind than what the professor was trying to get us to understand.

I picked up a shift this week because my coworker Hailey texted me last night asking if I could cover for her. Unfortunately for me, I'm usually the one everyone goes to first to see if they can get coverage. I'd say a little more than half the time I'm able to cover someone. The only times I can't cover a shift are when I have class, there's a conflict with Avery's schedule, or I'm already working. Usually, if I have the space and Avery is covered I'll take the extra money. But with me being the one that most of my coworkers rely on for covering them, I rarely ever have downtime.

I've been able to get good enough grades and spend enough time with Avery and go to all of her games but when it comes to my life, I really don't have the time or energy for extra things.

My stress has been eating at me more than usual since the semester started. I've had a few breakdowns already, but thankfully my primary care doctor prescribed an anti-anxiety medication that I can take when I'm feeling like I can't breathe and the weight of the world is too heavy.

By the time the swarm of thoughts in my mind dissipates, the class is dismissed and I have to head to my second which is in a different building.

I make my way to the main social science building where my class is being held. I walk up the stairs with a few other students and manage to make it to my class with thirteen minutes until it starts. I choose a seat in the middle of the room near the wall and set up my laptop to get ready for the two-and-a-half-hour class called introduction to sociology.

This class meets twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but since the official first day of school last week was a Wednesday we have only had our introductory class so far. The professor just went over the syllabus and let us leave forty-five minutes after the class started, so I was prepared to be exhausted by the time this class ended.

Just as I was pulling up the syllabus and my notes document on my laptop a few students enter the room.


I look up to see a genuinely surprised and enthusiastic Theodore at the front of the class. His friends look at him weirdly and I feel my cheeks heat up as I send back a small wave.

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