the flower 2;

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Tonks was looking around her carefully, hoping she had gotten rid of Antonin.

When she heard again the bushes moving, Tonks prepared to run, but instead of seeing a group of Death Eaters, somebody else came back to her.

"You came back!" she said. "What do you have there?"
Tonks stood down in front of the werewolf and took a flower from his teeth.
"A flower?"
His eyes were fixing hers.
"A flower for me?"

Remus raised his paw and showed Tonks her ear. Understanding what he wanted, Tonks put the flower in her hair.

"Thank you so much for everything!" she said, kissing the top of his muzzle. Remus curled up near her and started to move his tail. Wanting to calm him down, Tonks stroked his grey fur gently.

"Hey, I really want to stay with you more, but I have to go now..." she whispered after some minutes. "I will see you in the morning, ok?"

Remus looked at her for one more time, and then he disappeared into the woods.

On her way to the Grimmauld Place, Tonks was thinking about what had happened. Why was Remus considering himself a monster? He was the kindest person she had ever met, even in his other form.


Half asleep, Tonks was waiting in the kitchen for the members of the Order to come back from their missions.

While she was writing a report for Dumbledore, she heard somebody muttering in the hall. She went into the living room and there she saw a tired Remus who was hurrying upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Tonks asked with a little smile.
"Oh hi! I didn't see you..." Remus responded, embarrased. "You know," he started, avoiding her gaze, "I don't... I don't like people to see me... looking like this."
"People? Remus, I'm alone! Come here, I will clean your wounds."
He hesitated for a second.
"It's not necessary-"
"It's not necessary. It's compulsory. So stop fooling around and come here!"

Remus sat down on the couch. Tonks filled a bowl with water. She washed his cuts and wrapped them with cotton bandages. They sat in silence until Remus broke the ice:

"How was the mission?"
"It was horrible, I almost got caught but-"
She stopped cleaning a scratch on his cheek and looked at him.
"Do you remember anything from last night?"
"Not really... Why?" Remus asked, rising his eyebrows.
"Well... we've met..."
"I was running away from the Death Eaters and you-"
"TONKS!" The colour drained out of Remus' face. His eyes were full of pain. "WE'VE MET? You say it like we've met for a drink. I COULD HAVE KILLED YOU!"

He stood up. His hands were shaking.
"I'm a bloody monster! If I ever hurt or kill somebody, "Remus said, disgusted, "it would drive me crazy! I would... I would... Oh God, and if I kill you..."
"Remus, listen to me!" Tonks seized Remus by his arms. "Please, look at me!"

He did face her but did not meet her eyes.
"You saved me. From Antonin... from all those bastards. My wand is broken, Remus. You are the one who saved my life. If you hadn't come there, I would have been dead. So don't you ever dare to tell me again that you are a monster-"
Her voice shook.
"-because you aren't."

He didn't say a word until Tonks put the flower in his palm.
"And you gave me this. It's really beautiful, you know..."

Remus looked at it confused, and then he remembered. He felt again that strange feeling that told him to keep her safe. He remembered his search for the perfect flower: a blue one.

"Yeah, I think I remember..."

A cute smile appeared on his face, and he blushed. He tucked her hair back behind her ear and put the flower there. His hazel eyes were gazing into hers.

"I wanted to give you the most beautiful flower, so I chose this one. A part of me knew that it's perfect for you, but I didn't know why."
Tonks was listening carefully to his soft voice.
"Now I know..." He made a pause and admired her. "It matches your navy blue eyes perfectly..."

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