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2 nights later
It was night. Princesa couldn't sleep because she saw our dad for the first time in forever. Emma had to sometimes sleep with her parents, because wouldn't go to sleep. So, I had to lay down next to Princesa and make her fall asleep. She wouldn't fall sleep so I gave up. I went in me and Marcus's room and Marcus was making a worried face. I sat down on the edge of the bed and I put my hands on my forehead.

Marcus: Babe, it's not her fault that she saw y'alls dad and she can't sleep.

Jordan: I know, it's just. She really never knew him.

Marcus: I know, how about this. Princesa can sleep with us tonight.

Jordan: Okay, I will go get her.

I got up and I went into her room and I opened it and she was laying in bed, but still not had her eyes closed.

Jordan: Princesa you're sleeping with me and Marcus.

Princesa: Okay.

She got up and she had her purple blanket and her Minnie Mouse doll and we went in me and Marcus's room. Princesa threw her doll and blanket on the bed and she climbed up on the bed and she put he blanket over herself and she hold her doll, like it was a teddy bear. I pulled the covers over me and of course it covered Princesa and over her blanket.

Princesa: Jordan, Can you sing to me asleep?

I looked at Marcus and he never heard me sing before. But this the first time that he hears me.

Jordan: Sure. What song?

Princesa: Dreaming of you by Selena.

Jordan: Okay.

I breathed in and out and got ready to sing then I started to sing.

When I was done singing, Princesa was asleep and I saw Marcus looking at me smiling. My stomach start to hurt. I shot up from the bed and ran into the bathroom and I threw up in the toilet. Marcus came in and he pulled my hair back for me.

Marcus: Babe, are you okay?

Jordan: I don't know.

Then I realized somthing.

Jordan: Babe, When was the last time we had sex?

Marcus: like 3 days ago, why?

Jordan: Could it be possible that I'm pregnant?

His eyes widen.

Marcus: Should we go see if my mom is a wake and see if she can take us to the emergency room?

Jordan: Yeah, go see if she is.

Marcus: Okay.

He kissed me and got up and ran to his parents room. Few minutes later, Marcus came back.

Marcus: I told my mom and she is getting dressed to take us there.

Jordan: Okay.

We wen to the Emergency room and we checked in and we got called back to the room.

Dr: So, Ms. Rollins, What seems to be the problem?

Jordan: I think I'm pregnant.

Dr: Okay Jordan follow me, and Are you her Boyfriend?

He pointed at Marcus and Marcus nodded.

Dr: Okay you stay here and she will be back.

I had to take urine test to see if my pregnant. I came back and I saw Marcus on his phone. I laid down on the bed and Marcus put his phone down and be scoot the chair to the bed and he put his hand on my thigh.

Jordan: I'm surprised, that you're not mad.

Marcus: I'm not, I want to have kids, but aren't we too young?

Jordan: Kinda, but we are going to 18 this year.

Marcus: I know, I love you, and if you are pregnant, I would protect you and this our baby and care for it.

Jordan: I love you too, you're the best boyfriend that I could ask for.

He leaned in and kissed my lips. We heard a knock and it opened.

Dr: Ms. Rollins...

The doctor paused for a moment.

Dr: Congratulations, you're pregnant.

I was in shock and so was Marcus.

Jordan: Thank you

We signed out and we left the Emergency room and Gerd-Anne was out in the car waiting for us.

Gerd-Anne: So, What's the news?

Me and Marcus looked at each other, then back at Gerd-Anne.

Jordan/Marcus: We're Pregnant.

Gerd-Anne: I'm so happy for y'all and also y'all are too young.

Jordan: We know.

We made it back home. Me and Marcus laid down and Princesa was still asleep.

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