Chapter 16

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Claire's POV

(A/N: Listen to song when the lyrics are being read. This song shows her emotions. Play for full effect)

*Time Skip*

Since I'm immortal, I don't age. It's been about two years since Slendy broke down and begged for me to stay. I found out that Blue Diamond, or Victoria, was the daughter of Zalgo, and she just needed me to help her destroy the creepypastas. I refused. There was no way that I could kill my family. I just couldn't.

We had a new creepypasta join us. Her name is Leah, and she calls herself the Angel of Death. She flirts with Slendy all the time, making me hate her so much. I found out that I was the daughter of Mr. Creepypasta, (woo) and that he really loves me. I was so thrilled with my life. Until one day... 

I was outside with Sally and Jane. I was talking with Jane and watching Sally chase a butterfly. All of a sudden, E.J bursts out of the house, running towards me. "Claire! You gotta come now. There's something you gotta see." I got up quickly, telling Jane to watch Sally for me. I followed E.J around the side of the mansion, right under mine and Slendy's bedroom window.

"Fly up, and look inside. Make sure your not seen." E.J said. I nodded, then quietly flew up to a corner of the window, and peeked in. There was Slendy, on top of Leah, naked in the bed. I gasped. I felt my wings fold back as I fell from the window. I felt E.J catch me in his arms. "E.J, thanks. Please tell me I'm imagining it." I said, tears forming in my eyes. He shook his head sadly.

"No, I'm afraid not, Claire. I'm so sorry." He said. I pulled out of his arms and ran inside. I seen Laughing Jack sitting on the couch playing video games with Ben. He looked up at me when I slammed the door shut. "Claire? What's wrong!" He asked, alarmed by my tears. I shook my head as sobs rattled my body. L.J got up from the couch and pulled me into a hug. He smelled like all kinds of candies. His hug was comforting. "L.J, h-he is..." I couldn't get the words out.

I felt L.J rub my back as he said soothing words. His voice was relaxing, and soon I was crying silently into his chest. I heard thumping on the stairs as Slendy came down. "Laughing Jack! What did you do to Claire?!" He shouted as he came up next to us. I lifted my head up, and seen Leah standing next to him with a smirk on her face. My eyes  turned black as I stood up and glared at her.

"Angel of darkness, demon within, I command you to freeze thy in ice!" I said pointing at Leah. Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to speak. Before she could, she was frozen in a solid block of ice. Slendy stared at me. "What the hell Claire?! I know you're jealous of her, but why do that?" He shouted, irritated at me. My eyes changed from black, to blue. They never change blue. Blue means that I'm broken. I gazed at him with hurt.

"Why would you cheat on me with her?" I said in a voice thick with tears. Everyone gasped except E.J. He looked shocked. "Claire, I-" He didn't finish before Jane came up and bitch slapped him. "What the fuck Slender?! Why would you do that? She loves you! Don't you love her?!" She shouted in his face. Jeff nodded. "For once, I agree with her. Why would you do that to her? You have no reason to, so why?" Everyone nodded. Slendy sighed.

"I honestly don't know why. I just did." He said. I glared at him. "If that's your best explanation, then I honestly don't know why I broke up with you, I just did." I said. I grabbed my purse and walked up to him. "I thought that you loved me. I guess I was wrong. I can't do this. I'm going to Zalgo." Everyone gasped. "Claire! Look at what your saying." Jeff said. I looked at him.

"I'm not going to kill you guys. I love you all so much. I'm going to go put in a request to be killed." Jeff stared in shock. "But we love you! We're not letting you leave!" Ben said. Everyone nodded. I felt myself start to crumble. "I didn't want to do this." I said. I took out my spellbook and flipped to the last page. I studied it for a minute, then placed my book in my bag.

There was one thing that could kill me. A song full of emotion. Emotion of a broken heart. I looked at Slendy, tears shining in my eyes. "You may have hurt me so many times, but I can't help but still love you. You broke my heart, but I came back to you. I can't do it anymore. Know that I will always love you." I smiled brightly, then started singing.

How can this happen how can this be

There is no ending there is no peace

The darkness is so close

The light so quickly goes

Now it's all gone

Now it's all gone

Oooooo the darkness keeps its grip

Oooooo how'd it come to this

How'd it come to this

How'd it come to this

Will you hear me when I speak

Do you feel the pain with me

I tried to be so strong

I thought that hope would come

But you're not hear

Oooooo the darkness keeps its grip

Oooooo how'd it come to this

Please come back x4

Come back to me...

Oooooo the darkness keeps its grip

Oooooo how'd it come to this

How'd it come to this

How'd it come to this

How'd it come to this...

I sang with all my heart. When I finished, I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I fell to my knees, gripping my heart. Ben gasped. "Claire! Why would you sing that?!  You have only 2 minutes to live!" He shouted. Everyone started crying.

"Claire! Why?" Laughing Jack sobbed. Slendy gripped me in his arms as he cried. I reached my hand up and caressed his cheek. "D-don't be s-sad. R-r-remember that I'll always l-l-love you Slendy. I love you all. You're an a-amazing f-f-family." I gasped out. I felt myself slowly drifting away. The last thing I heard was all the creepypastas say goodbye, and Slendy's words ring in my head. "I'll always love you. Please forgive me."

I think that's the end everyone. Comment if you want more. Otherwise, it's the end. Remember, I'm aLwAyS wAtChInG.

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