Chap 3 My New Life

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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

I have gotten used to this new lifestyle. The now young five-year-old Lellouche Black Lancaster, former Demon Emperor Lelouch Via Britannia, watches as his now new mother getting fitted and getting makeup done for her Photoshoot. While his new father making adjustments to the dress his new mother is getting fitted to. It's weird... To think a former Demon Emperor ends up living a normal civilian lifestyle... Lelouch shakes his head as he grips his hands. I should forget... It's all in the past...

"Lulu-chan!" A woman calls out to the reincarnated emperor.

Lelouch looks up to see that it was his new mother calling him over. "Coming, Mother." He runs over to her.

His mother introduces to the man next turn. The man was in his late 40s - early 50s. He had brown hair peeking out under a red fedora hat he wore. He wore a pink floral dress shirt with black dress pants and matching black monk strap. "This is Mr Kanon Nicon, He is the director and cameraman for this magazine's photo shoot."

The man steps forward. "It's so great to finally meet you, dearie!" He (She?) exclaims in a feminine way, taking out his hand to shake. "Your momsy won't stop bragging about you! My goodness, you sure are an adorable little angel!"

Lelouch surprised by the man's behaviour, quickly recomposes himself. He gives a charming smile he has done countless of time when he was the Vice President of the Student Council in the Ashford Academy. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Taking the hand.

The queer man blushes and dramatically clutches his head exclaiming, "Ugh! Tooo Kiyuuute!" He then stares waving his hands. "Someone quick! Get me some tissues, I think I'm gonna have a nose bleed!" Lellouche's mother just laughs in joy. "He's going to be real Lady Killer in the future! NO! Not just ladies but men too! Men and Women will fall over even for in just a single glance!" He exclaims dramatically pretends to faint. "Why I-"


Getting cut off, Mr Kanon Nicon turns. "What!?" He exclaims to the staff member running toward them in panic.

"It's bad, Sir, the young child actor who was supposed to be in the shoot called in sick from the flu!" The staff member explains the news.

Then the whole studio blows up in a panic, multiple "Oh No's" and "What are we gonna do's" could be heard. Mr Kanon Nicon bit his thumbnails, trying to think of a solution. Lelouch's new father steps behind his wife and pats her shoulders comforting her, while Lelouch's new mother leans into the comforting hands she glances up to her husband giving him a grateful smile. Lelouch felt bad for his new mother, wanting to comfort her he takes her hand and holds them. Lelouch's father happy and proud of his son for being kind and thoughtful to his mother, he pats Lelouch's head in appreciation.

Lelouch's mother smiles down at her son, happy that her son is very kind and thoughtful that she can't help but feel proud of him. "Merc-." She was about to thank her son when an idea struck her stopping her sentence. Lelouch curious to why his new mother stops mid-way in her sentence, he gives her a questioning face. "Lulu-chan, can I ask you a favour?" Lelouch now even more curious about what his new mother is thinking, he nods yes to her. "Would you like to take some pictures with your mother?"

Lelouch confused by his mother's question when he glances back at the Photoshoot, he quickly understood what his mother wants him to do. He didn't mind, he has no reason to say no to his mother. He is even actually happy that he could be some kind of help to his mother, but that actually surprised him that he felt that way. Does that mean I am moving on from my past? I don't know... But if doing this is a sign of me moving on then... I like this new world.... my new mother.... new father.... this.... this new life... I will do everything, as much as I can, that Lelouch Lamperouge... No! Lelouch Via Britannia would never do! Lelouch... No! Lellouche looks up to his mother with determination and answers. "I would love to, mother."

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