Chap. 1 Happy Birthday Demon Emperor

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"Yes, I.... destroy the world, and.... create it..... anew."
-Lelouch Vi Britannia

That was my last words that I left for my beautiful sister Nunally, and my beloved friend, Suzaku. Everything was dark and warm, was this how the afterlife feels like? I always thought it was dark and cold or become one of the conscious minds of Collective Conscious. Wait, is this even the Collective Conscious in the first place? There is nothing here but darkness and the warmth..... If this isn't the Collective Conscious, then where am I?

"Oh, mite Mon Ange. Mon petit Chou ga me wo aketeru." A man's could be heard whispering in a mix of Japanese and French. (Oh look my angel. My Little Sweet Bun is opening his eyes.)

'Who is that? Why is he talking in mix Japanese and French?' The next I felt I can move my eyes, they slowly opened. The eyes took time to adjust to the lightning but still everything was blurry, the only thing recognizable was the two blurry figures looking over him. One had a long hair and was holding him and the other was definitely the man whispering. 'Wait, holding me?' That was the last thought on my mind before exhaustion took over.

"Happy Birthday, My little Lellouche Black Lancaster."

The voice of a woman floated around my mind as I returned to darkness. I finally understood. 'I was reincarnated as this couples' son.'

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