Chapter 4

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She'd been staring at the little white dragon in the crib for the longest time when she had a thought that sent her running out of the room

"Ye Hua!"

Tea cup and scroll fell out of his hands as he flew off his seat towards the door

Oompf She ran into him at the door

"Qian Qian, what's wrong? Are you..."

"What color is your dragon?"

"Black. Why?"

She punched him in the chest and watched him fall backwards to the ground "It was you! You were the black dragon that lived with me!"

Ye Hua sat up and rubbed his chest. She was more powerful than he expected and the punch had been backed with more than a little magic. He didn't understand why she was mad, he hadn't done anything to her as a dragon

"You watched me undress, you shared my bed!"

He grinned at her "we have a child, I've done more than share your bed and watch you undress"

He blocked the stream of magic she threw at him and sighed. Of all the things to be mad about, this was what she chose, he was beginning to see that she was a lot more complex as an immortal than she'd been as a mortal

"Qian Qian, you brought me into your home"

"I thought you were an injured snake!"

"You should have asked me"

He moved from the ground to the seat and she noticed the grimace he struggled to conceal.

"Did I hurt you?" she asked already moving towards him

"It's nothing, just a scratch"

"Lier. Let me see it"

He caught the hand the reached out "it's nothing to concern yourself with"

She rolled her eyes and considered knocking him out to check the wound but decided against it. She looked up and caught his gaze "Ye Hua ... why did you come back?"

He looked at her in confusion, he couldn't remember ever leaving except after they were married and she couldn't be asking why he came back then.

"After you left as a dragon, why did you come back to my door?"

"The first time I saw you, I felt like I'd found something I lost a long time ago and was looking for without realizing. I wanted to figure out what it was"

Her heart dropped. She hadn't realized it when she asked but she'd been expecting something meaningful. She tried to pull her hand out of his grasp but he held on

"You took a kingfisher home and I realized I was jealous of the kingfisher. I couldn't get you off my mind." He leaned closer and whispered "I could feel your lips on me even in my human form in the nine heavens"


"I couldn't explain it to myself much less to another person but I was determined to marry you. I could not bear the thought of you with someone else"

He leaned a little closer, "Qian Qian, close your eyes"

She instinctively obeyed and felt his lips brush hers. He tasted the peach on her lips and felt the warmth of her breath against his cheeks. She parted her lips and he deepened the kiss, his tongue touched hers and he felt blood rush down to his member. He wrapped his arms around her and brought her closer...

They broke apart at a crashing sound, she ran out of the room in the direction of the sound. He followed at a slower pace, pausing at the baby's door as he realized for the first time that he didn't love his son unconditionally all the time. In fact, right know he actively disliked the little boy who had knocked down the table and was now wrapped around his mother's leg.

Bai Qian felt blood pool in her cheeks as she looked down at her son, she was still catching her breath and she could not blame that on the short run into A-Li's room. She had been about to give into the kiss when they were distracted and she'd been saved from her rowdy hormones. Ye Hua had always been passionate, as a mortal, she'd found him irresistible. It seemed even her immortal self would not fare much better. She refused to turn around, she suspected he would still be there. Her cheeks burned at the thought of facing him again so, she crouched down and decided it was playtime with her son

Ye Hua picked up the pieces of the teacup he'd dropped earlier. It had been too long since he'd been consumed by overwhelming lust. He knew there were whispers - encouraged by Su Jin - suggesting he'd lost that capability with his Zhuxian terrace experience but he'd known the truth and he could now see it. He thought about how painful it would be to sit in order to continue working through the piles of scrolls that made their daily appearance at Qing qiu even though he was 'not working' and decided standing was a better option.

He was finally in control of all his body parts when he called out to her for dinner.

"You cooked" she said

"I'm not about to eat raw meat" he replied and she blushed remembering the reference to her mortal life

"How did you learn to cook"

"Books. Turns out there are books on any and every topic"

"Your mother must be proud"

"You are the only person that knows I can cook and the only person I've cooked for" he replied without looking up

She stared at him, he smiled and pile more food onto her plate. "You should eat more of this, you like it"

She decided he was a puzzle she just hadn't solved but she wasn't sure if she wanted to solve the puzzle or if she would like what she saw after she solved it.

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