Chapter 31

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This was not how Ye Hua planned to spend his day off. His parents - not his soul parents - were relaxing from their latest stint in the mortal world and preparing for the next one and Qian Qian had arranged for A-Li to spend the day with them which had inspired him to spend some time alone with his wife. It had taken him an entire week to apologize for the incident at Kulun and even longer to prove to her that he no longer doubted their love but he'd done it and they were having the best time of their lives. He'd began to try to convince her to have another baby and he had planned to use the time today to get her to agree. Yet here he was on the bank of Ruoshi facing an angry former ghost lord that had broken out of his prison after spending more than 70,000 years sealed in it.

It could have been worse, they could all have been going about their normal lives if Mo Yuan hadn't warned them of the possibility six months ago before he went into seclusion. His brother had theorized that since he'd gotten his soul back together, the seal on the emperor bell would be weakened and Qing Cang would be able to break what was left of it. He also thought the former ghost lord would be weakened and easily finished off but thought the man was cunny and would have done or will do something to turn the tides in his favor before he launched an attack. The four of them who were in the meeting but not in seclusion had immediately started making plans and researching alternative solutions for dealing with the ghost lord.

As open as he was to Qian Qian being involved in the planning and research, he'd had no plans to risk her when the time came, so , when the watchtower at Ruoshi sent the signal, he'd cast a spell on her that locked her to the nine heavens. He knew she'd be angry and that she'd eventually break it but he was looking forward to the anger, it would mean she or both of them were alive and that was a good outcome regardless of the means used to get it. He turned his attention back to the dying ghost lord; it hadn't taken him a lot of effort to finish off the older man, Mo Yuan's seal had done most of the work slowly over the years.

The ghost lord's laughter as he lay on the ground bleeding to death caused a chill to crawl up his spine, Mo Yuan was right, this was not the laughter of a dying man but that of someone who thought their death was part of a plan. As the laughter died, signaling the death of the man, the emperor bell started exploding and Qing Cang's plan became clear, the man had fused his lifeforce to the bell and now the bell would wipe out itself and most of the territory with his death. Lots of innocent immortals in annexed territories would have their life taken away and once more, there will be the kinds of murmurs that led to the ghost kingdom having the power it did to launch the first attack 70,000 years ago. Qing Cang was attempting to reset the clock and give his sons the chance to do what he couldn't and Ye Hua could not allow that to happen.

He flew up towards the bell stopping abruptly as he heard his name. He turned his head to stare at his wife being held back by Dijun and Zhe Yan as she twisted violently to get out of their grips. He smiled softly at her and whispered "I love you" before continuing his ascent towards the bell.

Bai Qian would never forget the sound of the impact no matter how long she lived. One minute, Ye Hua was smiling at her, the next minute, the entire world was consumed by a sharp sound similar to metal striking metal and then her precious husband was falling while the emperor bell exploded into tiny pieces that looked like a firework display. She had no idea how she escaped the grips of those that held her or maybe they let her go but she flew towards Ye Hua with her heart in her mouth. She cradled his head while she regulated their fall.

"Ye Hua" she said, half pleading, half crying

He stroked her face lightly as he continued to bleed out of his nose and mouth.

"Ye Hua, you're not allowed to leave me, if you die, I will follow you" She wept into him even as he shook his head.

"You promised" she sobbed "you promised nothing will stop you from loving me and nothing would take you away. You cannot go, I won't let you go"

"Qian .." he began

"Shh, save your energy. Zhe Yan is here. He'll save you, we'll save you, Ye Hua" She replied as they finally touched the ground

"Zhe Yan, please ..." Bai Qian cried to the other man still holding on to Ye Hua

"Xiao Wu, his soul is almost gone." Zhe yan said calmly in a low whisper as he and Dijun joined the couple

"But it is not. You can anchor him here, he can still be saved"

"By cultivation." Zhe Yan replied slowly then turned immediately as he realized Bai Qian's plan "Xiao Wu, that is dangerous and ..."

"I know! It's the only option, Zhe Yan , please ..."


"3 days. Give me three days to try and if I can't then I'll accept whatever happens. Zhe Yan, I'll die if he dies like this, please ..." she replied as the tears started flowing again

Zhe Yan started to speak but was interrupted by Dijun "Three days in not a lot for us immortals, between both of us, we can anchor Ye Hua's soul and heal his body, give Bai Qian a chance to do whatever she needs to do"

Zhe Yan sighed in acceptance and Bai Qian kissed her husband lightly on his forehead as she handed him over to the two elders.

Lian Song walked up to her with tears in his eyes, shaking his head "Yingzhou is dangerous, I've already been there ..."

"Third uncle, I'll be fine" she replied raising her hand and calling her fan to it.

"Think about your son" He said trying again to stop her

"I am"

"But Yingzou ..."

"A-Li is either going to have both parents or none, even if I do not physically die with Ye Hua, the part of me that makes me alive will die with him and no child should have to live with a half dead parent so I'm asking you all to give me a chance to save both our lives." when he didn't move, she continued "Or get out your sword and run it through my heart right now" 

Lian Song sighed as the rest of the crowd bowed their head slightly and Bai Qian cloud jumped.

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