Chapter 3: Party Time

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                Matti's lounging on the dirty ripped leather couch while munching on a slice of cold Texas BBQ pizza with his chequered shirt open revealing his toned abs and hairy wolverine chest. His rich dark chocolate skin, rustic black stubble, thick black eyebrows and small narrow brown eyes gave him the impression of professionalism and wealth but that all diminished when he opened his mouth.

                The apartment was quite large but the six of us made it seem smaller than it really was, especially with the unnecessary clutter sprinkled in all the rooms. It was a stark contrast to Ms. Gosvan's drawing room and I couldn't imagine what the rest of the house must look like.

                Picking up a white shirt, I sniff it and conclude that it's mildly clean and chuck it in Matti's direction who glowers at me and gives me the middle finger,

                "You need to get dressed; I don't want to be late for this party," I tell him seriously and he rolls his eyes and takes off his chequered shirt and puts on the white shirt before slumping back onto couch, "I'm serious dude!" I wail kicking my good leg in his direction. Sighing, he buttons up his shirt and continues munching on his pizza oblivious to my irritation, "at least take a shower!" I yell at him as I hobble out of the lounge and into the kitchen where Luke Stanley and Henry Pearson were sitting in their smart black suits with their cameras hanging around their necks. At least some people were taking this seriously,

                "Matti is taking the piss and won't even have a shower. At this rate we're going to be late," I say anxiously, my broken leg flaring up in itchiness but I only helplessly shake my leg to relieve the sensation,

                "Don't worry about him, you know what he's like," Stanley says removing a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it up. He was of Mexican origin, with honey coloured skin and wavy black hair and slim athletic figure and the guys and I always forced him to make us beef enchiladas and quesadillas when we could afford it. Pearson quickly pops the cigarette out his mouth and onto the floor before stamping on it,

                "Becky will be pissed off if she smells the smoke in here. At least have the decency to open the window," he berets like the father of the house that he is. Pearson was short, white, stocky and had a thick drawling Irish accent which made it hard for people to understand what he was saying. Him and Becky were officially together and consummated their relationship every night in a loud gregarious manner to say in the least,

                "Speaking of the girls, are they coming with us?" I enquire to which Pearson and Stanley shake their heads,

                "Too busy at the Saatchi gallery," Stanley explains,

                "At this late hour?" I say furrowing my brows and gazing up at the clock,

                "Some special evening event," Stanley replies nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders. Hobbling out of the kitchen, I'm relieved to find that Matti has actually managed to integrate himself into his black suit and I yell at the guys in the kitchen to leave. We all cram into Matti's small polo and it judders to a start before groaning out of its parking spot,

                "I think it's time you got a new car," Pearson states picking at the ripped interior on his seat,

                "Do you want to walk to the damn place?!" Matti shouts glaring fiercely into the rear view mirror at Pearson who just folds his arms and stares glumly out of the window,

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