[the boys your parents warned you about]

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Jim? -SM

Yes? -××JM

Let's go trick or treating. -SM

Specifically the tricking. -SM

I do indeed love this night most of them all. -xxJM

I'll pick you up in ten ;) -SM


A 17 year old Sebastian Moran pulls his black Jeep Commander into a 16 year old Jim Moriarty's perfectly manicured, fresh green lawn exactly ten minutes after he sent his last text. Like he cared about the tire tracks Jim's mum would fuss over.

Right on time, as always, Jim thinks with a little shake of his head in disbelief, dropping the white curtain he had pulled back to watch his boyfriend, and raced out of his house.

Jim jumped into the vehicle and Sebastian leant across the console, meeting the younger boys mouth with his own as a hello. Seb slipped his tan and calloused hand into Jim's dark, mussed hair, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.

Jim pulled back after a moment, gasping. "We've got work to do, Tiger, no fooling around just yet."

Sebastian speeded out of the yard, grinning that feral grin of his as he thought of their upcoming plans, sharp white teeth showing off. If Jim wasn't himself, he would've been terrified like everyone else. But he loved that grin. It made him look vicious and unpredictable, which he was.

They pulled into an empty parking lot behind a liquor store only minutes later, and Sebastian grabbed the dark, heavy duffle bag from behind his seat, tossing it to Jim. "Costumes," he said, "are the most important part of Halloween."

Jim nodded in agreement, giddy laughter bubbling up in his chest. This is going to be so much fun, he thinks.

First, they painted their fingers with multiple coats of airplane cement. You could never be too careful. Jim liked to play dirty and not so safe, liked the rush and the not so sure-ness of it, but Sebastian had insisted, much to the younger boys disliking. He complained, but didn't care much. Then they helped each other tug on black morph suits, and then sergion gloves and multicolored clown pants. Jim pulled on a big red curly afro wig and Sebastian had a purple one, spiked up everywhere.

They each pulled on heavy, thick winter jackets, as it was cold outside, but they needed them to store materials as well.

After sorting out the plan and fillin their coats, they jumped out of Seb's car and headed for the store.

The door chimed their entry, and the boys marched in, just to stand and stare blankly at the only other person in the small shop.

"How can I help you, fellas?" the bald man behind the cash register asked. He had dark skin and looked young, buff, and a quick fighter. Jim knew Sebastian, his big and tough Tiger, his body guard, could take him.

They continued to stare vacantly, unmoving and silent. Jim could tell the man was becoming at least a bit frightened: he shifted his weight from foot to foot, eyes moving between them and the camera behind their heads.

"Look," he started. "If y--"

And that's as far as he got before Sebastian had raised and pointed a gun at the clerk's head, hand steady. He tilted his head to the side, and Jim pressed a button on his burner, a prerecorded, robotic voice playing.

"How stupid do you think we are?" it asked. "We have hacked all cameras, there is nothing to keep you safe now."

"W-what d-d-d'you even w-want?" His voice shook, breaking in odd places.

Jim hit the button again. "We only want drinks."


They were on the roof of Jim's house, passing a bottle of liquor between themselves and watching the stars above them.

They each liked to go up to high places to think through challenges and hardships. Jim's roof was perfect for that sort of thing. It wasn't exactly flat, but it was nowhere near steep.

The liquor they stole wasn't all that great. In fact, it burned Jim's throat with each and every swallow, and Sebastian's nose wrinkled every time he got a whiff of it, but it was the most expensive type in there, so they thought, To hell with it, and threw back. It wasn't entirely bad, as long as you didn't focus so much on the taste of old sour apples.

The only thing that was real and great was the beauty above them. The endless and ever so dark void, rips and tears scattered through it like loose threads in an old sweater. In each, though, there was a spark of gorgeousness.

"One day, I'm going to be just like a star, 'Bastian," Jim started abruptly. "I'm going to explode, and all of this amazing stuff will come out of me. I'll burn down the world with it all. I'll melt it and mold it into something new, something extraordinary, something that shines." He kept his eyes on the dark sky, a deep brown ocean swallowing up all of the twinkling lights. "I'll never have to be around anyone again."

"Hey," Seb nudged him.

"No one...except you," Jim smiled briefly, sinking back into his partner in crime. "You can stay."

"I was going to anyway," Sebastian laughed, swinging an arm around the smaller boys shoulders and pulling him into himself. "I'll always be here for you, Jim, always. You have my word to protect you against any and all."

Jim tilted his head so that he could look into Sebastian's eyes, where his own entire universe burned and shaped and molded and lived on in an endless, depthless, ever changing, glorious blue.


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