Chapter 20

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Miya's POV

Treat Me Like Somebody- Tink

Yoon's court date was yesterday, so he was home with me for the time being. I knew he had did the crime but I would never speak it out loud, just in case someone was listening. I had no idea how long he would be home, so it would be best if we talked about the situation that happened at the restaurant before he beings to think I forgot, or he thinks he's off the hook.

We were sitting in a Waffle House, enjoying our first morning together in a few days.

"So, you know we never talked about this chick that showed up at dinner that night with the pregnancy test.." I started off, stuffing my mouth with cheese eggs.

"Shawty, Ima be honest witcha' cause I would want you to do the same with me. I fucked around on you when you was grieving over the baby with Denise and to be honest, I sincerely apologize. I done put you through too much for us only to be as deep in as we is. One thing I'll never do is lie to you though, Miya. Know that." He spoke looking me dead in my eyes.

I sat my fork down on my plate and picked up my sprite, "So, if she's pregnant, is it your baby?"

"It could be, Miya. I was fucked up that night and don't remember using a contraceptive."

"What you gone do then, Yoon? What, you expect me to be okay with this? I mean, you straight up cheated on me. You want me to play step momma to another chick kid? Because you know for a fact that THAT isn't happening." I low key snapped.

"You ain't gotta' do shit, shawty-"

"Then I wont.", I cut him off. "Look, maybe we need some time apart. I got to get myself together before I try to pursue something with you. You aren't ready and that's understandable. I wanna be with you Yoon, but this isn't working. Its like all the things that can go bad are and its too much. You know ima hold you down regardless of what happens at your next court date but a title is not working for us." I explained. It was killing me to break it off with him because I actually care and love this dude but how much can I take?

He was going to have to learn.

"Get it together, figure out if this baby is yours then hit me up." I spoke before sliding out of my side of the booth.

I walked over to his side and kissed his forehead and walked away.

Luckily, we met here this morning so I didn't have to do the awkward car ride thing. I walked to my Camero and before I could slide into my car I heard him call my name..

"Miya, I'll always love you. You'll see though." he spoke before walking back into the restaurant.

I quickly got into my car, crunk it up and drove away. It was time I focus on me and demand my respect. He had to learn that he couldn't have me through every fuck up. He was going to have to suffer.

3 weeks later

Today was the day that was going to change my life along with whatever decision comes to change Yoons life.

We haven't spoken since the day we met at Waffle House and I can say my life has been peaceful. Working and doing what I have to do for me is what works for me. He'll call and text to check on me but I wont respond.

I was sitting on the first row in the court room waiting for his case to start when he walked in wearing a black Givenchy suit with black red bottom dress shoes. No lie, he looked so good in that suit. I had to cross my legs to tame the warm feeling that came over me.

Suddenly, the judge walked in and "All Rise" was called. Everyone stood as the case number was called out.

Nervous as fuck wasn't even enough to explain how I was feeling.

"How do you plead, Mr. Sumlin?" The judge asked. She was a short light skinned older lady that wore a cute lil hair cut.

"Not guilty, your honor." His lawyer answered for him.

"Your honor, may I approach?" His lawyer continued.

The judge granted access for the approach and his lawyer stood talking to the judge for a good 7 minutes or so before turning around with a smirk and walking back towards Yoon.

"Plaintiff, your evidence is invalid. I'm sorry Johnson but this case is a lost cause." The judge spoke to the apposing lawyer, who was against Yoon.

My eyes got big as the judge yelled "case dismissed" and slammed down her gravel.

I jumped up with a smile on my face, happy at the fact he would walk today. Only by the grace of God.

I begin to walk towards Yoon and congratulate him but stopped in my tracks when I saw him reach in for a hug from Denise..

"He moved on rather quickly..." I mumbled to myself.

I quickly turned on my heels, pushed the jealous and hurt feeling to the back of my head and heart and proceeded to walk out of the court room....

I just want somebody to treat me like somebody...


This story is back in full affect and will continue to be in affect until the end of the book. Does this story need a sequel from what you guys have received so far? Please expect updates from TL every Wednesday.



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