Chapter 16

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Yoons POV

Dirty Laudry- Kelly Rowland

I knew sum' was wrong when my legs started to ache. It was almost four in the morning and I was laying down in the bed, lost in my thoughts. Miya had left a while ago. I swear I dun' called her ass 'bout 33 times and not one time has she answered. I know I fucked up but damn! She can't just leave a nigga like that.

I hopped out the bed and put my clothes back on. I grabbed the keys to my black Monte Carlo and headed towards her house. The closer I got, the more my legs started aching. I knew sum' wasn't right.

When I pulled up on the side of her house, I could see her Camero and another car that I wasn't familiar with. From where I was, it looked like somebody was in the car.

I put my shit in park and hopped out, making sure I had my 9.

I walked up to the car, pulled out my 9 and knocked on the window. It was that fuck nigga that was here last time, her ex.

I guess I scared the shit out of ol' boy 'cause he jumped before letting down his window.

"Aye bruh, what the fuck is you doing here?" I asked him with my head cocked.

"Nah, nigga what the fuck you doing here. This my shit!" He stated, putting emphasis on the you and hopping out his piece of shit Toyota.

"Aye look nigga, get the fuck from round my girl house shawty. Ion got a problem with adding another body to this here piece." I stated calmly, waving my piece in his face.

"Ha!" He laughed. Ion' see what the fuck is funny. "You know what bruh, gone and get yo' girl. She in there and let me tell you, she still got some good ass pus-" I smacked the shit out of holmes with my gun.

He had pissed me off to the point of no return.

I kept smacking ol' dude until he fell, then got on top of 'em and pistol whipped him til both his eyes were swole and blood was pouring from his nostrils.

"Get the fuck up nigga! Get up and take yo' ass on!" I yelled as I pulled him up by his shirt and threw his ass in his car.

"You gone get yours nigga. If I were you, I would go check on that bitch in there." He stated before driving off.

I ran in the house and looked everywhere for Miya.

"Miya!" I yelled, going room from room.

"Miy-" I started until I saw blood on the floor trailing to the laundry room.

I opened the door and saw Miya on the floor, unconscious with blood pouring from in between her legs.

"Miya!" I yelled as I kneeled down beside her, putting her head in my lap.

"Aye baby, I'm here. I'm here. Stay with me." I spoke, trying to sooth her and calm my nerves at the same damn time.

I pulled out my phone and called the police. I told them what was up, gave them the address and waited for them to come.

I just hope they wasn't gon' be too late.

When the police and ambulance finally arrived, I didn't leave Miyas side. When they put her in the ambulance, they told me I couldn't ride because I wasn't 'family'. Fuck all that!

I got in my ride and followed them to the hospital.

They took her to the back and told me that they would be with me shortly.

Man I couldn't wait. I needed something to calm my mind. I couldn't lose Miya, not like this man.

I stepped outside and rolled me a blunt.

After, I took a long much needed drag and after the fourth drag, I started feeling it and relaxing.

After I finished my blunt, I pulled out my phone and went to Facebook to find her friend Christa and her number. I called her to let her know what's up and she said she was on the way.

I then called my cousin Kay. She was the closest one to me and she knew how I felt about Miya. She told me she was coming too.

After about 45 minutes, me, Christa, her friend Yas and my cousin Kay sat in the waiting room waiting on some info on my baby.

"Yo, what happened Yoon?" Yas asked me, getting the other girls attention as well.

"Man! We got into it and I had a bad feeling sum' wasn't right when she left so I went over there to check on her and a nigga was sitting in her driveway. It was her ex Bel or sum' shit like that, who gives a fuck. Anyway, we got to hookin' and then I went in the house and she was in the laundry room knocked out, bleeding from her pussy. Bruh I think dude violated my lad- matter fact, I know he did!" I told them with anger in my voice, hatred on my face and hurt in my heart.

"Damn! I knew something was off with that nigga when they first started fucking around. " Christa said.

"You think she gone be aight?" I asked them. I really was hoping my baby girl was gone pull through and be perfectly okay.

"I'm sure she'll be fine." Kay said while rubbing my back.

After another 2 hours, the doctor finally came out.

"Family of Miya Finch?" He spoke.

"That's me." I told him, standing up quick as hell.

"Good morning, Ms. Finch is now conscious. She was molested last night and then she began to self inflict pain onto herself, meaning cut her wrist. She lost alot of blood but she's fine. She will have to stay here for a couple of days under suicide watch."

"Thank you so much doctor!" Kay told him.

"When can we see her?" I asked anxiously.

"You can go back now but only one at a time. She needs to rest. Room 224." He told us. "Take it easy."

I walked in the back to find Miya's room. When I walked in the room, it was silent despite the beeping noise of one of the machines she was hooked up to.

"Miya?" I spoke softly.

She looked my way and then turned her head back towards the window.

"Miya, baby. I am so sorry. I should've came sooner baby. I'm so sorry." I spoke. She said nothing.

"Miya, baby talk to me." I begged her. She was killing me with this silent shit.

"I called for you. You weren't there. You didn't stop him." She finally spoke before breaking down crying.

I walked closer to her and rubbed her back. "Baby it's gone be aight. You gone be good. Don't even trip. He'll never touch you like that again, aight?" I told her with so much honesty behind my words.

I sat there comforting Miya for another 30 minutes before I had to leave.

"I'll be back soon Miya." I told her. She said nothing. "I love you." Again nothing.

I walked out of her room and up to the front desk.

"Excuse me ma'am, I'm apart of Miya Finch fam. If a nigga named Mel come up in here for her, he ain't allowed. Kapeesh?" I spoke. I walked off before she could respond.

I was finna get revenge on this nigga Mel, on God! He would never hurt my baby girl again.

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