Sorry not sorry!!!

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Omari's P.O.V

That next day, I  wanted to straighten my hair. I mean I did, and It was surprisingly longer than I expected. I combed through it and picked out a pink half shirt and highwasited pants. Since im an early bird, this was done all before Chelle even woke up. She wasnt a morning person at all, so I tried my hardest to not yell when Will had called me at 5:35 in the morning. "Omari, are you up?" He asked ever so sleepily. Boys voices were so attractive when they barely wake up to me. "Obviously or I wouldnt have answered", I snapped back. Will had the audacity to call me at this time.  After all he did yesterday- it made me so upset, I started to cry. Sometimes when I was angry I just cried. I tried to stifle my cry when he asked if I was ok. There was a long pause and I sniffled to break the silence. I hung up quickly after that. There was no use of hanging on the line with silence. Plus, I didnt even like Will anymore. He was such a jerk for what he did. But that made me rethink about the call. I wondered if he was calling to apologize. Well if he was he would have, I guess? .

    Chelle and I walked to school that day. When we arrived,  Dana and Will were coming our way as we tried to get through the doors. Feeling uncomfortable, I walked to the door quickly trying to beat them to it. There was no use of that though because Will and Dana did the same thing. We ended up colliding  and hurting eachother. Finding it funny, Chelle giggled and said, "we collided!" She screamed in laughter and I just stared in disgust.Will seen me mug him and he stared at the floor and scratched his head. Dana had laughed to, taking Chelle's hand and apologizing. His excuse was that he was being a jerk yesterday.  He also told her it was because David said to ignore us because  we werent "popular"  enough.  Im guessing it was a way to break us into the school. I guess we were popular now. I had made a lot of friends yesterday.  Did that make me popular yet? Will tried to apologize too. He grasped my shoulder and tried to kiss my hand. I drew it back and beat the bell to class. I didnt want to hear his sorry excuse. The only thing great about my day was the project we were assigned. Chelle and I were picked to be partners! I was so happy and suprised. Usually, a teacher wouldnt assign bestfriends a project together, but this teacher, she was awesome.  We had the choice of writing a movie script, or acting out a movie scene. Of course we picked both just to get extra credit. Our minds clicked when the idea came up.  We planned to present each of our projects. Of course Chelle wanted the scene and I wanted the script. Today we got a good start our projects.

  When we walked home, Dana and Will accompanied us. It was an akward walk because Chelle and Dana were holding hands and kissing during the walk. When we crossed the street, he lifter her up and spun her around. They had a fairytale relationship.  Unlike Will and I, I guess I was being too cruel to him. He did one thing, one mistake. Shouldnt I forgive him? Hes not perfect,  he's-Will.  Dana had stopped in the middle of the road when we crossed the street. He stared at Will and I for a second and grabbed my hand and made it touch Will's. Boy it sure felt good to feel his soft hands against mine. I began to fall back in love with him slowly.  But I jumped out of it and took my hand out his grasp. "What the hell is wrong with you guys? I though yall was something more than friends!" Dana said, leaving a wink and a smirk towards me. Chelle nudged my arm. "Yeah Omari be nice to your boo!" Dana and Chelle both started to make annoying sad faces and puppy eyes. I couldnt take it anymore. I told them to shut and grabbed Will's face. From my view, I had to jump since he was so tall. Then bam!! I was there kissing him passionately.  He grabbed my waist and I put my arms around his tall shoulders. He then lowered his arms towards my butt. I could feel the chemistry and loved how long we kissed. In my mind, I counted the seconds. We lasted 15 seconds. A record im pretty sure Chelle couldnt beat even if I asked her. "Well dang, just make out in front of thr children Omari!!" Chelle chuckled. I turned to find us still in the street in front of a car with children in it. They looked curiously at us and I just froze out of nervousness.  Then the  mother began to honk and we scurried to the sidewalk. My face began to feel hot and I was super embarrassed.  But Will wasnt ashamed, he picked me up from my waist  lifted me high and kissed me again. He was strong alright, because my feet didnt even touch the ground. I felt butterflies in my tummy when he bit my lip.  After that he drew back and  kissed my nose.  Well all then walked me home. Dana and Chelle decided to stay at the park. We parted ways and went to our destinations.  Will dropped me off, and I told him to text me as soon as he got home. He agreed and ran down the street to his house. I giggled at his run. It was too funny really. His legs moved in a funny fashion, and his arms were perked up. But that was my baby-my little akward Will.

Chelle's P.O.V

Today I was proud of Omari. She had ran to Will herself and kissed him. That was actually an impressive time she had kissing him. But im sure I could beat that. Afterall, Im known for my kissing skills, I mean my ex-boyfriend would know. Which is the reason he still cant resist me now. But I cut him off a long time ago.  Right now I wasnt thinking of competition with Omari. I was thinking about Dana and I. We were on that level where I couldnt tell him any and everything.  He was my soulmate, and I felt like I was his. Its funny because this was all so sudden, so soon. I had to stop thining negative and think positive. We were on the swings seeing who could swing the highest. I was winning but believed I had the advantages of long legs and strong legs. I told Dana that, and all he could say was whatever. His arms and legs werent as strong as mine, and we both laughed at the fact. After the swings, Dana and I raced around the park until it got dark. Omari was a little mad I wasnt home to continue my acting project. But I was fine with that.

That night when it was pitch dark we laid in the grass and began naming the stars and constellations. He told me I was just as bright as the stars, and I blused. Dana was so thoughtful. 

Omari P.O.V

I was worried sick about Chelle. But  i already knew she was just with Dana tonight at the park. They were probably somewhere playing and hanging out. I hope this "hanging out" doesnt happen often though. Chelle had a project to do, and I cared for her grades and performance wherever she went.I guess that was just my motherly instincts. But especially at this time because it was our grades together,  even though we were doing different things and didnt want to interfere with eachother's work. I stopped worrying about Chelle, and remembered the funny thing I did to Will when we were on the phone earlier today. He didnt break his word. While I was working on my project, he had called me. Of course it was a short call because I wanted to get  alot done that day, so I waited for him to explain himself. He told me that he had been dared to kiss Olivia, and he just like Dana had to "break us in" which I still didnt get, but accepted it. He also told me he loved me more than books, which means alot from Will.  Finally,  he asked me about the kiss. I said it was because I felt like shutting Dana and Chelle up. He laughed and told me I bit his lip too hard. This made me die of laughter so I hung up saying "SORRY NOT SORRY!!".

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