01 | Adventurous or an idiot

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"You're such a pussy." Andrea told Brian, the same guy that has been holding and following her like a scared little puppy.

"You don't need to come for me like that Andrea, I just didn't expect it to be this dark." Brian whispered.

"We're in the woods in the middle of the night. What the fuck did you expect." Chris held his flashlight in his hand and looked behind him every few seconds to check if Winter was still there.

"Ugh just shut up Chris." Brian shouted at him and the sound of birds flying away started her.

"Guys this isn't the right time to start a fight." Winter told them yet got scared by all the shadows surrounding her so she quickened her pace.

"Eyy speedy gonzales slow down." Chris grabbed her hand and looked at her for a brief moment before looking in front of him. She was certain he could sense how afraid she was.

Why did she agree to tag along, confused she tailed behind her friends like a lost puppy. It's pitch black even with the full moon. Her gut feeling is telling her to just turn around and walk back home however she keeps on moving forward, her body gains a will of her own. She told her mother she was staying at Andrea's house and with each passing minute she regretted lying. If something happens and mom found out she lied to her ,she would be pissed. Her stepdad's reaction wouldn't be any better. Yet here she was, placing herself directly in harm's way. It wasn't too late, she could turn around but leaving them behind just didn't sit right with her.

"You can relax, Winter. I'm here with you, no need to be afraid, okay." Chris told her while he held her hand. Winter nodded even though it was already too late, she was already afraid.

"Wasn't there an urban legend about this place?" The once scared Brian looked completely calm.

"My mom used to always tell that story to keep me from coming here." Andrea added while looking up at the sky.

"So much for telling the story." Chris laughed at Andrea causing her to playfully nudge his side.

"Tell the story." Brian suggested.

Andrea glanced up at him with a knowing smile. "There was a man once that always came here to hunt. As any other day he came to hunt in the woods but that particular day something strange happened, he couldn't move anymore. He stayed still in the same spot for what seemed like hours until something tapped him on his shoulder. He tried to gain his strength back and shoot whatever animal was behind him, however when he turned around there was no animal."

The birds didn't chirp anymore. The shadows around Winter only grew taller and bigger in size. The trees didn't look beautiful, it looked as if we were surrounded by sinister beings instead. A shiver went down her spine as she heard the next words that flew out of Andrea's mouth.

"He was met with something that was not human. Legend says that the man was never found again." Andrea finished her story and walked towards this big tree and sat down. "Let's take a break. My foot is hurting."

They sat down and Winter glanced at Brian who was checking Andrea's foot for any injuries. "You want me to carry you?" Brian asked Andrea, making her nod happily.They arrived at this lake that surprisingly had somewhat clear water. There weren't any signs indicating that this lake was unsafe but everyone assumed that it was. Winter's eyes widened as Andrea and Brian started undressing

"What are you doing?" She asked them taken-back.

"Skinny dipping." Andrea answered her. "Duh." She added.

"Guys, I don't think this is safe and it's cold, you will get sick." She tried warning them but she got ignored. "Chris, please say something."

"Winter is right, it's not safe to swim here." He told them but they laughed it off.

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