03 | To the grave

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It was quiet in the forest but the soft melodies were intriguing. Pulling Winter only deeper into the forest. Completely forgetting the man that is tailing behind her. The green lights dancing around in the cold air captivated her. Causing her to look around filled with surprise. Vibrant green leaves dancing around colorful flowers. Something wasn't right. The leaves were supposed to lose their color and the flowers were supposed to be dead by now.

Maybe it was all in her imagination and she didn't really see it clearly, but once the first rain drop landed on her skin she realized that this wasn't a dream.

"You shouldn't be here Winter, this is a dangerous place for humans." A voice came from behind her. Curiously she turned around and faced a pale looking man with long raven hair that cascaded down his back.

Winter looked up to him and wondered if he was perhaps okay. Maybe he had gotten sick or happened to be lost like herself. "I'm completely fine." His black eyes watched her intensely, following her every move. A look of concern filled his irises. Yet Winter frowned her eyebrows as she stared at the strange man in front of her. "How do you know my name?"

"You came here with some friends yesterday." He told her, eyebrows knitted together as she took him in. He didn't look too old. Perhaps around her age.

The green lights started to surround the man completely, as if it was trying to protect him from any harm. The melodies she heard were now louder. Confused, she looked around her. Searching for the person the voices came from.

"You won't find them." The man dressed in black told her while he took his jacket off and wrapped it around her.

"You can hear it too, right? Where is it coming from?" She asked him with raised eyebrows.

"They are singing the words that you are unable to say out loud." The man looked around in admiration. "You should just close your eyes and listen carefully." He told her while a smile made its way on his face. Trusting a stranger blindly isn't what you're supposed to do. She wasn't sure what it was but the way his eyes lit up when he spoke or the way he smiled made her want to believe him.

She followed his instructions. Closed her eyes and tried to listen carefully. It started off with softer notes and ended with higher notes. She could feel her body shivering but she wasn't sure if it was the emotions trying to let themselves be known, or if it was the fact that she was freezing. The voices were a faint sound yet when she opened her eyes she saw them. The green lights turned into silhouettes. Floating around her, making her tense up.

Winter had the habit of running away from everything and everyone. Winter never wanted to fix her problems, she just ignored them and hoped they would fade away. It hit her hard because she finally understood that problems never fade away. She bottled them up until she couldn't take it anymore. It was like she was waiting for a storm, or perhaps the storm was already here and destroying everything in sight.

The silhouettes turned bigger in size, and turned into a darker green color. She could feel hands on her cheeks. She smiled and stuck her fingers out to see if they would touch it, and to her surprise they did. They grabbed her hand gently and twirled her around.

"I'm losing my mind at this point." Winter said out loud with a wide smile.

"It looks like you don't mind losing it." He told her and looked at the dark green lights flying around.

The man was confused as to why she wasn't running away in fear. Isn't that what most humans do? Running away and classifying everything as unfamiliar to them as evil. She wasn't running away in fear, in fact she was smiling like a little kid. It made him feel some type of way. It made him think of the future where everyone could live in peace, without being hunted, without hiding.

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