~Chapter Three~

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The Autumn breeze blows the leaves around me into a whirlwind of colors. Like all the colors of the wind from Pocahontas coming to life. I bundle my coat closer to my body. I have never liked the cold. But I continue down the street on my way to the bus stop. When I get to the curb of my street, my friend Isabella stands there waiting for me. We have ridden the same bus since Elementary school and even in High School we are inseparable.

"So what's the chance Mrs. Brussler is actually going to be nice to us today?" she asks with a small grin playing on her face.

"Slim to none," I reply.

We high five and then stand in silence waiting for the bus to show up.

"Did you see that movie last night?" she asks.

"Which one?"

"Seductive Solitude! You know, the one where the ghosts haunt that one girl for over ten years and she eventually commits suicide?"

"Spoilers!" I exclaim, pretending to be horrified.

"Don't go all "Spoilers" on me Mila. You know you would do the same thing if you were in my position."

"True, true."

"I feel like Amelia would have liked it," Isabella states with a low voice, probably thinking about the past.

Amelia is Isabella's twin sister. However, a few years ago, she was walking to this same bus stop. She stepped out on to the street because she must have seen something interesting, but she didn't see the bus coming. She died right in front of exactly where we are standing. Isabella has still not gotten over it, and I can't blame her at all.

Finally, the bus comes and we start to board. Isabella goes first, while waiting for her, I glance behind me because for some reason I feel I am being watched.

I see a little girl standing on the curb smiling and waving at me. I wave back and get on the bus.

While moving, I sit back in my seat and as I hug my backpack to my chest, I wonder why the little girl looked so much like Amelia.

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