Author's Note (oh buddy boi)

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Hey peeps, Author Abby here. This is the first story I've ever written, and it's very different from the other story on this account (currently on hiatus). This will have nothing to do with any anime of any sort, and I'm sorry if that's your style, but unfortunately (for you HA lol), I'm a special little bean.

Also, there will be trigger warnings, so uh, get ready for that. I really don't want to give much away, but I will warn you there is gore and death in this book. I'm not sure how much or the level of it (if that makes any sense) but I just wanted to warn y'all (excuse my Texan aCceNt).

As for updates, I'll try my hardest to update AT LEAST twice a week, (it took me 5 tries to type "week I'll have you know) if I can, I'm going to update more often than that. I just want to have fun and share my weird and (hopefully) spooky story to the lovely people of Wattpad.

Now, when I update next, it'll just be a character introduction, because I want to do that and you can't STOP ME. (Don't stop me now.) There will only be two characters, but I'll introduce more as we go. They'll have tragic backstories because I'm cruel, and I want the story to be interesting.
Also, I do want some (HELPFUL) criticism to help make this story better and to make ME better as an author. I haven't even written a word of the actual story and I feel like writing is my favorite thing to do.

Anyways, thanks for reading this, and I'll hopefully update tomorrow once I get some stuff in order!
I hope you have a wonderful day (or night, whatever)!

P.S. I'm a DIE HARD Queen fan, so there will be references out the wazoo, (There's already been one!) so be ready for that.

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