Chapter Three

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Screams. High pitched screaming coming from an unknown source. It was awful, it needed to stop, stop it now! Then, the screaming dimmed a bit, but it was still there. Then laughter started. It was maniacal, cold,


It got louder, and louder, and louder. The screaming and the laughter was loud, it needed to stop! It didn't stop, the source of the laughter was right above her, and the screaming became louder and then-


Cassie was still shaking. She wasn't cold, but she couldn't stop shaking. Her throat was sore from the screaming.

Lee was pale, and also shaking. She had woken Cassie, and she was glad that she did. She had never seen anything like what she had saw a few minutes ago. Her friend, writhing around on the bed, screaming, with tears running down her face.
What scared her most was the screaming. Cassie was such a quiet person, and the noise that came from her put banshees to shame. Lee never wanted to hear that again.

Lee looked up at Cassie, and tentatively asked, "What happened, Cas? What the hell was that...?"
"It was awful Lee. It was awful. I can't even explain h-how or why, it-t was j-just terrifying," Cassie said with a small voice. Lee nodded, knowing she wasn't going to get answers right now, which suited her fine. She wasn't exactly sure she wanted to know.

Cassie looked over at the alarm clock, (I really want to say Zero Hour, Nine AM because I just listened to Rocket man and I have a freakin problem.) it was 4am, later than she thought it was. "How long were you on the roof?" She asked, trying to change the subject. "Ehh, not sure, I came in around 1am though." Lee still looked worried, shooting nervous glances at the red-head, and then swiftly looking away towards something else in the room. "Lee, I'm fine. It was just... A little scary, that's all" Cassie tried to smile reassuringly, and Lee smiled back, but her the look in her eyes went from worried to slightly suspicious. She wanted to make sure her friend was all right, and Lee could be very pushy. Cassie knew she needed to change the subject as soon as possible.

"Hey Cas?"
"So uh, you know how in the Plan, we uh, don't know how to get food, if that makes any sense?"
"Well yeah, I'd say that it's a pretty big problem. Where's this going Lee...?"
"Well, I found a solution-"
"YOU WHAT?!" Cassie exclaimed. "HOW? WHEN?"
"Cassie, chill! I'll explain when you stop screaming!"
Lee sighed, and then chuckled a bit at Cassie's reaction. "Well, I found a solution to the food problem. You know those plastic baggies that they give us to put whatever the hell we want in them?"
Cassie nodded, looking confused. "Well, can't we put some of our food from meals in them everyday? Then we'd have food for when we get out of this hell-hole"
Cassie stared at Lee for a long time, her mouth open in awe. Then, in a hushed voice, she said, "Rosalee... Taylor... Brazos... YOU ARE A FREAKING GENIUS." She leapt up and hugged Lee, suffocating her. "Cassie! Let! Go! You! Heathen!" Lee said in strained voice. Cassie let go, beaming with delight. Lee wasn't exactly sure why she was so amazed at this solution, it was just a simple plan, and Lee saw some flaws with it. They'd have to be careful what food they put in it, so it wouldn't smell and give away that they had been storing food for some god-forsaken reason. It would be hard to explain why the heck they had cereal in a plastic bag. "Y'know what Lee? We could also try and steal water bottles too, at least when they serve them, and maybe those plastic forks too..." she trailed off, looking at Lee to see if she approved of this addition. Lee smiled slightly, and nodded. "That's a really good idea,I totally forgot about water." Cassie smiled, and brushed her bangs away from her eyes, briefly showing the scar right above her eyebrow. "Tonights been a wild night, eh?" "Yeah... it has." muttered Lee. "Let's try and go back to sleep, I guess..." Cassie nodded, but she figured that she wasn't going to get much sleep, because that dream was still on her mind....
Their alarm went off three hours later. They both hadn't slept much, so they had dark shadows under their eyes, and for all the effort they put into it, they couldn't stop yawning or occasionally falling sleep, their heads in their hands. When they went down for breakfast, they had started on their plan, packing burnt bread and dried fruit packets that had been left out (they didn't too appetizing, so most kids hadn't eaten them and instead left them on the table.) They also had water bottles that day, and both girls had gladly taken more than their fair share of water. After breakfast, they decided to go ahead and walk to the town library. They figured they weren't going to get much, considering that they hadn't slept much the previous night, but they decided that even if they didn't find anything, they were still going to be somewhat productive (ha unlike me). They, as usual, searched through pages upon pages of dusty books, moldy maps, and websites that were somehow older than time itself. The library was empty except for them and the librarian.
So you know that moment when the Author is alive again?
Yeah uh, it's that time again children! Hello, I'm back from my grave, loaded with slow updates that'll leave you hating me for life! I also have so disco songs if you want those....
I'm so sorry for my hiatus, but I'm kinda here, I'm kinda queer, and I already have a beer.
Have a wonderful day/night!
-Your Crackhead Author

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