Chapter Two

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They had searched all day.

Long. (ALL DAY LONG!) (I'm sorry)
And they had still found nothing.
Their brains were mushy, their eyes tired, and heck, Cassie had some paper cuts from turning pages of books and newspapers.
Yet after all that (fReakIn) effort, they hadn't found a blimmin' (why am I so British today) thing! They were used to this though, and they mostly expected it, and they felt that if they didn't find something soon, they'd throw the towel in, and just wait until they turned 18 to get out of the orphanage, but that was still 3 years away.
They didn't want to wait that long.
They'd lose their sanity if they did. (Bish me too.)

The two girls got up and put up everything they'd gotten out. The librarian was a strict-woman and treated everything in the library like her first born-child, and they didn't want to upset her, because if they did, they wouldn't have anywhere else to search.
And they wouldn't have none of that.

Once they were done cleaning up, they started their walk about towards the orphanage. The sun was beginning to set, sending beautiful colors across the darkening sky. Cassie in particular loved sunsets, always entranced by all the different colors that painted the environment. She especially liked when there were little, wispy clouds were dotted across the sky while the sun was setting, because the clouds turned a warm pink. Lee, however, loved the midnight sky. Stars were Lee's holy grail, and she would often climb out the window onto the roof to look at the stars. Her dream was to be an astrophysicist (BRIAN MAY?!), or an astronomer. She also wanted a telescope so she could better study the balls of light high above her, but that she wouldn't be getting one anytime soon. They barely got anything from, well, anyone. They didn't have many clothes, and nothing a normal kid would have. They were used to that, but they did long for a lot of things. They especially wanted music. They loved music, and they would often go to the record store in town to go listen to the music playing in the store, and they would look at record labels. The guy who owned the shop liked the two girls, and introduced them to bands and single artists he grew up with, like Queen, (you knew it was comin' folks) Elton John, The Beatles, David Bowie, Journey, Kiss,and many others. Lee loved Queen, she was obsessed with them, especially Brian May, because he was a very skilled guitarist, and an astrophysicist (and he's a wonderful bean-boi, I swear I could go off on a tangent but I won't). Cassie liked Elton John the best. She loved they way he played the piano, and she thought his voice was quite magical. They wished they could live at the record shop, but that wasn't possible, and they couldn't work there either, for reasons unknown to them.

They stopped at the front door of their Hell. They did this everyday, and they weren't sure why, it was just a weird ritual they did. Lee opened the door, and they rushed quickly inside. They looked around the musty hallway, and they walked quickly and silently to the cafeteria. They grabbed dinner and sat at their table in the far corner.

"Did ya find anything, Cas?" asked Lee.
Cassie raised an eyebrow at the brunette. If Cassie had found anything, she would've screamed it at the top of her lungs the minute she knew it was an actual lead. "What?" "I would've told you if I had found something the second I knew it was genuine. You know that Lee." Lee rolled her eyes jokingly and replied, "I know, but still, might as well ask." Cassie laughed softly. She sarcastically asked "Did you find anything?" Lee smiled slightly, then stabbed a bit of food with her fork, held it up to her nose, sniffed it, then set her fork down, the food on it untouched. "I found a new, updated map, but it's pretty much the same as the last one. I didn't get to check everything though, so I might find something tomorrow. Probably won't though." Cassie chuckled bitterly. She already knew that the map was useless, but they were still going to search through it thoroughly. They always did because, well, they needed some kind of hope, or something to keep them optimistic. It was a terrible cycle. They'd find something that may hold the solution to their problems, get the most wonderful feeling of their hopes and dreams coming true, and then they'd feel an unpleasant sensation of disappointment in their stomachs when they'd realized that it was a dead end, and it would happen everyday, 6 days a week (the library was closed on Sunday).

And yes, they were aware of how pathetic their life is.

They often pointed it out to each other, and they would snicker darkly.

When they finished with dinner, they went up to their rooms. Lee opened the window and a cool breeze came in. It felt wonderful against their faces, and the stood there in silence, enjoying it. Then Lee climbed through the window, and turned back to face Cassie. "You wanna come up?" Cassie shook her head in response, and Lee turned back around and began to climb up the roof. Cassie didn't like heights, and Lee knew that, but she would always ask out of politeness. Cassie changed into her night clothes, brushed her teeth (oh yes that oral hygiene), and braided her long, ginger hair back, and got into bed.

She wasn't prepared for the dreams she would have that night.

(Heyo! Sorry I haven't published this, I got sick and unmotivated this week, but I hope you enjoyed this! I know it sucked though :/, but the next chapter should be quite exciting. Also I'm happy I got to mention all that musical stuff, and I already know that your eyes are probably stuck from rolling your eyes so much while reading that part. Anyways, have a wonderful day!)
(P.S. I might do a lil' fun chapter where it's just one of the girls POV.)

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