Ch. 22

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Frank's POV

      After I woke up with a start, I heard Gerard talking outside my door. "How are you here? Why? We broke up remember?" I heard Gerard ask in a very stressful manor. "I missed you Gerard. I was being stupid." That voice was female and sounded very drunk. "How did you find me?" Gerard sounded on the verge of tears. "I have a traker on your backpack, silly! Had to make sure you wouldn't run away from me!" The door opened and in stepped a very pretty yet drunk girl. "You can't just walk into another persons house!" Gerard exclaimed as he tried to pull her back out into the hallway. "It's alright Gerard. Hi. Um... I'm his assistant teacher." I told her. I awkwardly shoved my hands into my jean pockets. "Huh. You know, I didn't know he had an assistant teacher. You should of told me Gerard." She suddingly turning around to face him. She faced me again. Then she started to laugh. Her face contorted and she fell to the ground she was laughing so hard. "Your the one he draws!  I looked through his desk in his room, and there are a bunch of drawings of you! All of you. Yeah, some drawings of trees, some comic strips and some monsters, but mostly you. Not one of me though." Her face grew cold. "Gerard, honey, why don't you draw me?" Her hand went into her pocket. "Why not me? Am I not pretty enough? Why not me? me,,... ME!" She repeatedly was saying me in a sing-song voice. Then she pulled somthing out of her pocket. "Frank, get down!" Gerard screamed as he put her in headlock. Then there was a sharp, searing pain in my leg, and the world went black.

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