2. Surprise, Surprise!

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guess what?

In a few months




I get my drivers lisence.

Alex: What are you doing! only penguins and people can drive!

Ahaha.... madagascar 3

I highly reccomend that movie. Pure gold.

But seriously? me on the road? driving? Well if you live in adelaide and hear about some freak car accident involving some hyper girl that's probably me.

But anyhooowwss. i should probably apologise for ignoring this site while i caught up with my many, many, many, many, many, many, many overdue assignments. (i'm so fucking organised it hurts)

But now i am, and i didn't actually fail any! i'm back to writing. Which is where i should be!


Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Circus Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Afro, Circus, Afro, Circus, Afro, Polka dot, Polka dot, Polka dot, AFRO!

Oh Chris Rock.... you totally get me.


Harry's POV

The same tingle still shot through my arm when Louis grabbed my hand and pulled my upstairs. It's still weird to me. Fantastic! but weird.

I feel like i'm in the sequel of one of those romanctic movies where the girl gets the guy and they're living happily ever after!.

But then something always happens and they either fight or break up.... or both...

I looked up at Louis as i trailed behind him on the stairs.

That wouldn't happen to us.

"Dibs on first shower" Louis said casually as we entered our room.

I gaped at him "Why?"

"Because i take two minutes and you take twenty" he said in a 'duh' manner and i just huffed.

"So you're not up for sharing?" i purred with a wink and he just smiled coyly at me before shaking his head.

"Now, you heard what Liam said..." he said knowingly making me think back to earlier in the kitchen.

"Since when have you ever listened to Liam?" i pouted

"Since it gives me the chance to tease the crap out of you" he said simply, sporting a mischieveous smirk before retreating into the bathroom.

I heard the running water and i couldn't stop my mind from wandering to the thought of Louis being naked in the next room. I was pretty much drooling just by thinking about it, i wonder how it'll be when i actually see it.

I mean, i've seen him naked loads of times... but just not in the situation i'd like to...And yes. I know what you're thinking. No. We havent..... y'know....

But it's not like i haven't tried to! I mean, i guess it's a big step, going from bestfriends to... boyfriends... and then sealing the deal with...that. But not only that! It's just that Louis and I have two completely different ideas on what a relationship is.

Never Let Me Go ~Sequel of~ More Than We SeemWhere stories live. Discover now