The Beginning.

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Mikes Pov:
We are on are way to the snowball. Things were tense between me and El. Lucas and Dustin we're obsessed with Max. I mean, i could understand why. She was super cool, liked playing D&D, She's SO pretty, and she likes us for who we are. Eleven doesn't like Max though. That i can't understand. In fact, everytime Max is around Eleven just goes quiet. But i suppose that's usual for El. She's naturally quiet.

Lucas pov:
Okay lucas be cool. Be cool. "yo max"
yo? Yo?! Lucas that was not cool! "um yeah lucas?" Max replied awkwardly. Oh no lucas well done. she thinks your a weirdo. "oh i was just gonna ask if you wanted any.. um... any food?" i stuttered back. "Don't worry about it man, i'll be okay till the dance." She smiled. It was as if Max understood that i was nervous and just liked me for me. She is awesome isn't she? I just wish she would see me as more than a friend. Dustin is so lucky. Max has a soft spot for him, and not only that Dustin is friends with the girl magnet, Steve Anderson, who is giving him advice on how to get her. I have no one! No-one! Steve's also dating Mikes older sister, Nancy. Nancy is head over heels for Steve, but i'm not sure he feels the same way. I mean it's obvious he likes her but just not as much as Nancy likes him. Then there's Mike and Eleven. Mike always claims he doesn't even like Eleven like that, and that they're not together, but the rest of us beg to differ. They are always cuddling and all over each other! Yeah mike, you really don't like her. "Lucas! Helloooooo!" Dustin waved his hand in front of my face. "Stop daydreaming Lucasssssssss!" Max laughed. I glared at Dustin. Sure he was trying to seem cool to max... but by embarrassing me! "I wasn't Daydreaming!" i protested. "Yeah right, we all do it Lucas!" Max laughed. She was smiling at me and i felt on top of the world suddenly. Her wavy, red hair hung down from her shoulders and her Turquoise eyes fixated on me. I smiled back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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