Meet Our New Member

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Thor POV:

I watched as Stark and Rogers walked out of the lab with the strange girl.

"Ok everybody listen up!"
Stark said loud enough for everybody to hear.

"Meet our new member,Kate fawn"
Everybody was silent."Stark is that a good idea?I mean have you even talked to Fury about this yet?"Hawkeye spoke up.

"Well n-"
"Really Tony!"Widow cut him off."I agree with him"Steve stated bluntly.
"Steve!"She yelled at him.

"Guys we cant leave her out there HYDRA will hunt her down!"

"Send her to SHIELD base"Natasha argued.
"They are going to lock her up!"

"But i least shes safe"Clint commented calmly.

"Thor buddy help me out here"Stark asked me.
Everybody looked at me expectingly.
"I for one think she should stay"
I finally answered.

"Well if point break agrees then it final"Stark said turning around.
"Ms.Fawn welcome to the avengers."

Kate's POV:

'This dosent look very welcoming'I thought.I was so deep in though I didn't notice tony turning around and telling me something. I finally looked up to see Tony smiling at me."Sorry what did you say?"I ask quietly.

Thor and Steve burst out in laughter...

"I LIKE HER"Thor stated quiet loudly.

Tony walked away mumbling something along the lines of,
'Nobody ever listened to me'.

 "Ma'am"  Steve said "call me Kate" I told him. "Sorry, well Kate I should show you to a room."

"Actually!" I interrupted him. "can you show me to the kitchen, i'm starving" I say chuckling. " yeah she can stay." Clint said with a chuckle. Come on kiddo'  i'll show you the kitchen." He told me while standing up. I continued to follow him as he passed by me unaware of the eyes of a certain raven haired prince.

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