Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: The incredible art displayed above was not created by me, and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Sitting resplendent on her newly carved throne, the great wooden stag antlers curving up behind her, Aelin tapped her fingers impatiently against the polished marble chair. Her friends had promised to be here by noon. They were currently ten minutes late.

Abandoning the arms of her seat, she examined her chipped nails disinterestedly before gazing down at herself and sighing dramatically. She had bothered to actually get ready today, forgoing her usual attire of comfortable cotton drawstring pants and a loose silk shirt for something more...sophisticated. Although her kingdom required her to act queenly most days, it certainly didn't mean she had to always look the part of one. She'd worn elaborate outfits every day for about a month or so after her coronation before she'd tired of constantly dripping in jewels and carrying skirts up the stairs. She'd decided that if her kingdom hadn't been able to stomach the sight of her in casual clothes with her court, it truly wouldn't have been worth the effort to save all their lives.

Regardless of the decision, however, today was special. So, she had donned the beautiful, scintillating gold dress she had decided on with Rowan that morning, the colour glinting in the morning light. The gown was more modest then some of her more usual outfits, with a high, straight across neckline and long sleeves that stopped at the crook of her elbow. But the material covering her arms and neck was a sheer, shimmering fabric that hid nothing and bared her golden Ashryver skin for all to see. Just above her breasts, the fabric transitioned into a thicker, opaque, light gold chiffon that clung to her before being cinched at the waist and then spreading into a draping skirt, the folds of smooth fabric falling gracefully to the ground. Tiny, almost clear golden jewels were scattered across the gown in no particular pattern, becoming most concentrated at her waist and then spreading out like distant stars. But the real gem of the dress was the delicate, elegant cape attached to the back, made of the same thin, sheer material as the shoulders of the gown. The cape, too, was coated in scattered jewels, clustered together where the top of the dress met the top of the cape. However, instead of spreading apart towards the floor, the cape had embellishments sewed in gold thread in place of the more cumbersome jewels. Small, delicate, and swirling, from afar the thread appeared to be glimmering gemstones. But it kept the cloak light and fluttering faintly in the morning breeze.

Tired of admiring her gown, Aelin heaved a breath and glanced towards the heavy oak clock mounted on the wall. Fifteen after twelve. Pushing down a growing worry, she rose from her seat and spoke to those gathered around her.

"Do you think anything went wrong?"

Lady Elide Lochan of Perranth shook her head firmly, although concern lit up in her eyes.

"They're probably just late."

Fenrys snorted, shaking his mane of golden hair.

"I bet a golden coin Manon's the cause of the delay." He said, scoffing lightly.

"Five coins," interrupted Lorcan, "that Chaol and Yrene started to get uneasy with leaving Hafiza behind and doubled back to bring her along."

"Och," said Vaughan, grimacing slightly. "You took my point. I side with Lorcan."

"Don't forget Dorian," advised Rowan, lips curling upwards. "Ten gold says he forgot something and realized halfway. Oh, and Manon didn't want to go back and get it, so they argued about it until Chaol broke them up."

"There we go," whistled General Aedion Ashryver appreciatively, slinging an arm around the Fae prince's shoulders. "I agree with the king. Dorian's sure as hell behind it."

They all turned expectantly towards Aelin, who shrugged dismissively.

"I won't waste my money on this bullshit."

Rowan raised his eyebrows as if to say, Really?

Sighing, Aelin gave in.

"Fifteen gold. Chaol and Yrene decide go back and get Hafiza,"

Lorcan and Vaughan exchange grins at that, smirking at Rowan and Fenrys.

"But," she continued, "Manon and Dorian get into a debate about how to do it the most efficiently, and eventually Yrene comes up with the solution. Plus, they discover that Hafiza isn't to keen on traveling, so they slow down a bit for her."

"Ah," said Lady Lysandra Ashryver, a faint smile toying with her lips, "That's the one. My money's on Aelin."

Fenrys barked out an incredulous laugh.

"You just combined our ideas, bastard."

Aelin chuckled, winking at them.

"When you all pay up, you'll understand."

As soon as she finished her sentence, a messenger stumbled into the throne room. Panting heavily, he bowed low to Aelin and stammered,

"The king and his cohort have arrived."

Rising from her seat, Aelin struggled to stem her mounting excitement and said carefully,


She cut of abruptly as Dorian Havillard, Chaol Westfall, Yrene Towers Westfall and her child, and Manon Crochan walked into the throne room. Bowing slightly, Dorian opened his mouth and smirked,

"I hope you weren't placing bets on us."

A sob wrenched from her throat as Aelin tore herself from her seat and raced towards them, almost knocking him off his feet as she threw her arms around him and embraced him tightly.

"Hello, Aelin," said Dorian softly as he wrapped his arms around her and held her gently in return. Drawing back enough to fully see his face, Aelin wiped at her eyes and managed to choke out,

"You're late."

Chaol let out a deep chuckle from behind them, his arm around Yrene's waist.

"We decided it would be better if Hafiza came with us," he explained, staring lovingly down at the baby he and his wife had named after the Healer on High. "And these two," a pointed glare at Manon and Dorian, "couldn't decide the best way to go back and get her."

Her mate groaned loudly, reaching into his pockets and rummaging around.

"And let me guess; Yrene came up with the solution and you slowed your travel down for Hafiza."

"Yes, actually." Said a bemused Yrene.

Unentangling herself from Dorian, Aelin turned around and grinned, holding out her hand.

"Pay up, boys."


Hey everyone! (cough *myself* cough) So that was the second chapter. I'm sorry if this is going a bit slow for you guys-don't worry, I'll get to the crossover soon haha. This chapter had a bit more dialogue from the last one, and I name-dropped quite a lot lol. I wanted to showcase the characters, and give you guys a glimpse of everyone (from the ToG side) who will be part of this story. Other than that...I don't have much to say. I honestly don't know why I keep saying *you guys* as if there are actually people here, because there aren't. If you are...thank you so much for checking out my story! It truly means the world to me, and I hope you're enjoying it so far. Anyways. Vote, comment, add, blah blah. Ok bye!

- xo

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