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Chapter dedicated to @Taya_nicoleee for being follower of the day!


Another poem! What I know, weird. I actually noticed I liked making poems so here we go,

I like pigs,

Pigs are cute,

I would name him Zigs,

And he would hoot.

I have a dog,

His name is Chance,

He loves the log,

He can actually dance.

Pandas are life,

But so is food,

Is that a knife?,

It's for the stew you prude.

This is a banana 🍌,

Watermelon 🍉,

Pineapples are loves by Anna,

It's Halloween so get your pumpkin.

I'm going to be Mrs. Pac Man,

It's going to be fun,

Candy will be band,

Right Hun?.

Boom did another poem. I love doing this. Poems are my second calling, after food of course. Sorry if my poems get offense or awkward at any point and I think I'll talk about advice in the next update which will be later today!


Hey Bitchies!

What are you going to be for Halloween? And have a happy time getting your costumes together! Cuz I haven't....

<3 Arie

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