Truth or dare

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Billie and I walked out the bathroom, relieved that we were finally on good terms.

"So,wtf happened in there?" Elijah asked the both of us.
Billie and I glanced at each other, then at the boys and back at each other, causing us to giggle.

Her giggle was so adorable, it was so angelic-
Wait! Why am I thinking like this? I'm straight!

Billie and I went to go sit on the couch, leaving the boys still confused.

"Y'all wanna play truth or dare?" Eli questioned the group.
"I'm low-key down" Bil replies.
"Yeah me too." I second.
"I'll play." Isaac saying, as he is the last one to reply.

"Ight then." He looks over to Isaac."You start."
Isaac sighes. "Billie, truth or dare?"
"You already know it's dare bro."
"I dare hold ryley's hand for the rest of the game.

Billie looked at me with a "is it ok?" face.
I nodded and smiled, she did the same but grabbing my hand.
I felt my cheeks get a little hot as her soft and silky hand slipped into mine grabbing it gently.

"Ight bro" Billie looked at Eli. "T or D?"
"Truth." Eli said confidently.
"Ok then.." Billie started. "Is it true that you like Dani?"

Wait, she knows Dani too?

I saw a fluster of red fill Eli's cheeks.
"Yea bro. I did." Eli admitted.
"Well shit Eli." Bil replied sarcastically.

It was now my turn.

Eli started asking me "truth or dare."
"Uh..dare." I replied with confidence.
"I dare you to jump in the pool with your clothes on." He started smirking.
"Bro that's fucked up." Billie turned to me."You don't have to do that, he's just being an asshole."
"You gotta jump in with her, you can't let go of her hand." Eli cackled.

Oh shit.

"Fuck you Elijah!" Billie turned back to him.
"You see this expensive ass outfit I got on."
"Take it off." Eli replied, finally calming down.
"You know what? Screw you asshole, c'mon Ryley." Bil started pulling me out the back door.

She had tooken off her hoodie, she kicked off her shoes, and removed her shorts.
Leaving her with just a tank top and a thong on.

I was trying my hardest not to stare at her but I couldn't help it.
Her body was just amazing.
I think she caught me staring at her because she looked at me and and asked "are you okay?"
I replied with a "yes" but not taking my eyes off her.
"Well come on silly!" She pulled me to the pool.
"Ready mamas?" Billie asked me grinning.

Mamas? Where did that come from.
But keep it, I like it when she calls me that.

"Uhm..yes. Yes I am."

Without warning she jumped into the pool, still holding onto my hand.

"Billie what the fuck!" I immediately say, splashing out of the water.
Billie chuckled." Sorry mamas. I got excited."

I looked at her with confusion.

"What?" Billie chuckled.

"Mamas? Where did that come from?"

"Oh that, it's just a nickname for people that are close to me." She explained.

I felt all my bubbly feelings for this 'nickname' suddenly go away.
Guess I'm not that special..

"Oh." I replied flatly.

As I was climbing out the pool, I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me back in.
Billie turned me around and sat me on the stairs. Her arms still around my waist, she had gotten closer to my face, we were only inches apart. She took my hand in hers and placed them on the wall behind us.

"What the fuck are you doing." I said softly, still confused.

She whispered in my ear, " Just  because I call people who are special to me that name doesn't mean you aren't special mamas."

I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"W-What? Billie l-let me go, please?" I sounded like a little bitch. Was I actually intimidated by this chick?

She slowly backed away pulling her hands out of mine, staring me directly in my eyes with a smirk.

I felt my cheeks get hot. What the hell is going on with me?


a/n: sorry this chapter is short, and I haven't updated in awhile. Didn't think anyone would read this 😅

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