New girl

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Billie's POV:

Man, i was so excited to see her today. I went through a lot of shit this week and even though i haven't seen her in a couple of days she's been there for me.

"Hi mamas!" I say, copying her actions and running up for a hug. She wraps her arms around my waist and smiles.

"Riley.. okay okay let go a bitch can't breatheee" I laugh, trying to pull her off of me.

"Oops, sorry bils" She giggles, loosening her grip around my waist.

"Its fine, anyways lets go im soo excited!!" I cheer, speed walking towards the big door in the back of the room. I look back at Ryley only to see her looking down at her phone screen walking slowly in the same direction, "YO RYLEY HURRY THE HELL UP."

She looks up at me and playfully rolls her eyes, then puts her phone into her back pocket and jogs to me.

"Demanding ass.." she mumbles under her breath and looks off to the side.

I look at her with a confused smile and roll my eyes.

"Oh shut the hell up, you don't even know me"

She scoffs and pulls her phone out her pocket again, heading towards the couches in the back of the room. Before she gets there I grab her phone out of her hand and put it in my pocket.

"Billie what the fuck! give it back" She pouts, trying to pull it out.

I grab her chin and lift her head up so she can look into my eyes.

"You're not even paying attention to me, so start."

"I-" and before she could finish, the giant glass door swings open and I see 2 people walk out.

I let go of Ryley and look back at finneas who is just now walking in, then to the man and the young girl, around my age, who just walked in.

"Well look who it is.. Billie Eilish! Glad to have you." He says, coming into give me a handshake.

Knowing me, fuck that handshake bitch I wanna hug. But i shake his hand anyways and he gives me a small grin.

The girl behind giggles, "Hey billie! I'm Katelyn nice to meet you." She then pushes the man away to give me a hug. I quickly react and hug her back.

I look back at Ryley who I seemed to piss off because I took her phone, but I don't care.. I took her here for a reason so she can at least pretend to be excited.

"What's wrong mamas?" I smirk, letting go of Katelyn and looking at her.

"Nothing," She says, looking off to the side. "Can I have my phone back please?"

"Nah you'll get it later." I playfully roll my eyes at her.

"Any who! come this way billie we'll get you set up in here. You three can stay out here and we'll be done In a sec" The man says, directing me to the doors.

Riley's POV:

Billie walks out the room leaving me with finneas, katelyn, and still no damn phone ! who does this bitch think she is.

I go sit down on the farthest couch possible and face away from everyone else.
Not too long after, I hear footsteps coming up behind me

"Hey ! Riley..?" I hear, I turn around to see katelyn's glowing smile looking right at me.

"Yep.. that's me." I smile at her.

"Well hi I'm katelyn, nice to meet you !" She sits down besides me, I scoot over to give her space and face in her direction.

"Nice too meet you too, is that your dad that Billie's with?"

"Yes", she giggles, " He's a great manager I swear. Billie will love it here."

I sure hope so, maybe it'll teach her some respect.

I laugh at her comment, " When will they be done?"

"In a moment !" she says, " Billie really just needs to sign some papers and that's about it." Katelyn smiles.

Moments past and i've grown to like katelyn a little, i'm sure we can all be great friends after this is over!

As i'm talking to katelyn I hear the door swing open. I see billie running forwards finneas with a huge smile on her face.

"YO IM STARTING MONDAY" , "This shit better be good bro." Billie says, running her fingers through her hair, calming herself down.

She looks towards me and katelyn, waving her hand telling us to come to her.
I don't move, but katelyn speeds walks right to her. i jealous?
a/n: hello children long time no see, i honestly forgot about this story and i'm surprised people are reading it till this day. i made this when i was twelve.. and rereading it again, it makes me cringe. but some people seem to enjoy it so i would love to continue it, the problem is i have no inspiration :) if you guys have ideas that would be great for this, my instagram is
@/iiluvvtayk or you can comment on here. thank you lovelys <3 i'll update when i can. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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