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Billie's POV:

I wake up in the middle of the night around 3 o'clock, still in ryley's embrace to an annoying sound of my phone ringing.

I whisper groan and reach over to my desk to answer it.

"What?" I speak low enough for them to hear me, but not to wake up Ryley.

"Billie. We need you here. Now" Says the voice coming from the phone. It was my manager, his name is Dustin.

"This shit can't wait until the morning, I'm kinda busy." I whisper yell.

I felt ryley's movement on my chest so I gently rubbed her shoulder with my thumb.

"Billie this is important. We need you here NOW" Him saying again, putting emphasis on 'now'.

"Fuck" I mumbled to myself.

I can't just leave her here, she'd be pissed.
So I decided to ask him if I could take her with me.

"Only if you trust her enough" he replies sternly.

I look down to her, noticing her beauty and how she was sleeping so peacefully.

"We'll be there in a bit." I tell him, not looking away from her, then hanging up the phone.

I gently tapped on her arm.

"Ryley, we gotta go somewhere." No movement.

I tap again but this time a little harder.

Still nothing.

I slowly scoot out of our position, taking my arm away from around her.

"ry" I say once again, louder this time.


I got up onto my knees and hover over her.

"Mamas wake up" I whisper softly into her ear, earning small whines.

I giggle quietly and whisper into her ear again."c'mon I gotta go, and I don't wanna leave you here alone."

She turns from her side ways position and lays on her back.

"Billieeee" she finally says, elongating my name.

"I know, I know I'm sorry" she slowly opens her eyes to look up at me, still hovering over her.

She whines once again.

"Where are we going at 3:00 in the damn morning." She says grumpily rubbing her eyes, obviously still tired.

"My label has a problem. They want me there" I reply,staring into her tired blue eyes.

"They couldn't wait until the morning?!" She sits up, causing our heads to bump into each other.

"Fuck" I whisper to myself, rubbing my head and sitting back down on my side of the matress.

"God damnit" She rubs her head as well."Sorry bils"

"Your good" I look at her, squinting my eyes slightly with a small smile upon my lips.

"C'mon we gotta go." I throw my legs over the bed and hop down.

"But billieeeee" she whines again."it's freezing and I'm tired."

"Here" I throw one of my hoodies at her.

"Now get your ass up and let's go." I tell her, slipping on my shoes.

" I tell her, slipping on my shoes

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// The hoodie \\

As soon as we are ready, I grab her hand hand head out my room door only to see finneas, my brother, standing outside my door looking down at his phone.

"I'm guessing you got the call too?" He asks me, not looking up.

"Yep" I pull Ryley to my side and lay her head on my shoulder.

Finneas looks up and widens his eyes in disbelief.

"Isn't this the girl that told you to fuck off at the restaurant?" He questions me, glaring at her.

I look over at her resting head lying on my shoulder, and smile.

"Yeah" I sigh with a smile on my face."It is fin. She's pretty chill tho once you get to meet her."

"Whatever you say." He shrugs.

I roll my eyes at him." C'mon we gotta go."
I wrap my arms around ryley's waist and lead her down the stairs and out the door.

The car is silent while we ride to our destination.

Once we pull up, I hop out of the drivers seat and walk over to the passengers to wake up Ryley once again.

Finneas climbs out of the back and heads torward the building.

I walk with Ryley into the building as well.

"Billie!" Says a familiar voice coming from the side of me.

I turn to see who it is, Dustin.

I glare at him for a second and roll my eyes." What's the damn problem"

He cleared his throat." Billie, finneas. I'm sorry I had to drag you here so early." He looks at me, then to finneas.

"I promise you, it wasn't me."

"Dude what the hell is going on." I ask him annoyingly.

"Billie were dropping you from the label." He looks into my eyes.

"What?" I reply shock and confused.

"The CEOs decided to cut you off." He sighs and shakes his head."I'm really sorry billie."

Ryley's POV:

Still with my eyes closed laying on billie's shoulder, I am listening to their conversation.

"Billie's being cut from her label?" I think to myself.

I open my eyes and sit up while billie's arms are still wrapped around me.

She looked at me, teary eyed.

She laughs sarcastically and shakes her head." Brooo what the fuck did I do?" She ask Dustin.

"Your not following the protocol-" Billie cuts him off.

"Fuck the protocol man!" She lets go of me.

"Fuck those CEOs" She looks back at finneas who is agreeing with her.

"And fuck you" she glares at dustin.

"Who the hell do you think you are waking me up the fucking early just to tell me I lost my label?" She shouts at dustin, walking torwards him.

He looks at her with fear in his eyes."T-They told me to" He throws his hands up slightly shaking his head.

"You know what?" She turns to me with a serious smirk on her face.

"I don't need y'all assholes anyways" Billie walks back over to me and finneas.

"Fuck all of this." She now grabs finneas' and I's arms and heads torwards the door.

We walk out the door and head torwards the car without saying a word.


a/n: woww, who fires Billie fucking Eilish?
Anyways this chapter is dedicated to @billsblohsh 💕

Thank you for all the nice and hilarious comments that you leave on my chapters! I really really appreciate it 😊

And sorry this chapter was rushed..but I hope you still like it <3

tysm ❤️

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