See you again?

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When I got home, I quickly ran up into my room and slammed the door behind me.

"FUCKKKK" I groaned loudly.

Who the fuck is this girl anyway? I'm seriously, who does she think she is. Grabbing me like that, making me feel this way.
At this point, I hated her. I hated how I am such a bitch around her, I hated the feeling I get when I'm around her. It was just dumb.

I removed my clothes and headed to my bathroom to take a shower.

°Time skip 15 min°

As I was scrolling through my Instagram, I had gotten a message from an unknown number

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As I was scrolling through my Instagram, I had gotten a message from an unknown number.
I opened the message to see this:

Unknown number

???:Hey mamas

I responded, as I already knew who this was.

Ry: Billie? how'd u get my number

Billie: eli gave it 2me, if that's fine

Ry: well I would have appreciated it if you would ask me , not him

As you can see, I was already annoyed.

Billie: sorry mamas shoula asked u first
Billie: we good?

Ry: honestly Billie, I don't know how I feel about you

Billie: wym?

Ry:It's just the way you act
Ry: I don't know bil, u just seem a lil off

Billie: a little off? the fuck is that supposed to mean

I could feel her emotions through the message.

Ry: listen Billie, I'm sorry but I don't think 'this' could work

Billie: oh I get it
Billie: ur like all them other bitches I meet huh?
Billie: listen, that's cool if you don't like me. but don't be hanging around me cuz I don't do that shit

I didn't reply.

I fucked up.
I fucked up real bad. I didn't think it would go that far. And then she told me that I was like all those other bitches she meets, what does that mean? Did I really make her that upset? Doesn't matter now huh? I guess she doesn't like me either.

I felt a tear escape my eye and run down my cheek as I placed my phone down on my desk.

I buried my face into my pillow and threw my blanket over my head.

I let more and more tears out until my face was soaked.

I heard footsteps near my door.
It was Jen.

Jen had opened the door.

"Hey I'm going ou-" She stopped as she saw me a mess.

"Ryley what's wrong" she panicked and ran towards my bed.

I sat up to face her, my face still a mess.

She wrapped her arms around me and I buried my face into her shoulder.

"I messed up Jen." I looked up at her, she cupped my cheek with her hand, wiping my tears away.

"What are you talking about?" She spoke softly.

"I told Billie," my voice cracked when I said her name."that she seemed a 'little off' and know I think she hates me." I started crying again.

"Billie? The one from the restaurant. Babe how did this happen?"

I explained the situation.

"Oh sweetie it's okay" She wrapped her arms around me again, hugging me tighter.
"She'll come around!"

"You sure?" I looked up at her.

"Definitely. Now I gotta go, my Uber is here."

I'm glad I have Jennifer. Without her I'd be nothing.

"Okayy, I love you." I told her as she walked towards my door.

"Love you too," she looked back. "Hey, don't think about it too much."

"I won't I promise."

°Time skip one hour later°

I was still thinking about the Billie situation, I can't get it out my head.

I picked my phone up again to scroll through Instagram.
I stopped scrolling and set my phone down.

I sat up, fixed my pony tail and wiped my face.

I took a deep breath. "It's gonna be ok Ryley." I told myself.

Now I just have to figure out how to fix this.
After all, I'm the one who told her she was a little off.

I have decided to call her.

I picked up my phone and went to calls, once I pressed billie's number I felt butterflies filly stomach.

Here we go.

The phone rang for awhile until she answered.

"Mhm" Billie said flatly.

"Hey, do you have time?" My voice cracked, I was holding in my tears.

"Oh jeez I don't know Ryley I'm kinda busy" I could hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"Please Billie, I'm really-" I started sobbing
Into my phone.

"Shit are you actually crying?" Her voice went from sarcastic to panicked and sincere real question.

"Fuck," she whispered to herself." Yeah bro what's up?"

I tried to pull myself together enough to try and have a conversation." I'm r-really sorry billie, I didn't mean it like that." I managed to say while tears were still running down my cheeks.

"Please forgive me?" I was practically begging her.

"No, stop. You didn't nothing wrong mamas, I was the one who got mad, not you. I just took that the wrong way, mainly because of my past. But we are totally good, PLEASE stop fucking saying sorry, your making my heart ache." I let out a small giggle at the last part.

"Thank you, Billie" I say, smiling into the phone.

"It's nothing girl," she chuckles." Hey, you wanna hang out tomorrow?"

Me? She really wants to hang out with me!

"I- uh..yes! Yes, I'd love to hang out with you tomorrow."

"Cool, see yo ass tomorrow then?"

"Yep. I'll text you my address. Bye billie!"

"Seeya soon mamas"

I quickly hung up the phone and fell back on my bed with excitement. I can't believe that, that actually worked! And we're hanging out tomorrow! Now my stupid ass better not try to fuck anything up with her again, I've already lost her once, and we just met today! But I feel like we actually have a connection, I don't could just be my head..or, I could be actually falling for Billie Eilish.


a/n: over 1k words! Hope you enjoy
Follow my insta @billiesbagles <3

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