6: Hiding

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It was already 9 pm and by now the hospital doesnt allow anymore visitors. I was slowly about to fall asleep, when. "Itsuki Gouenji...?" My eyes widened and so I tried to listen closely, even if I wanted to stand up I couldn't.

So I just tried to stay quiet  as much I can. "Yes, she used to be a patient here. But then she got better and Ishido Shuuji picked her up." The doctor who was taking care of me said, I squinted my eyes, but it didnt sound quite like him either.

As I did so I continued to listen very carefully. While the foot steps continued. "She's still not well. We still need her under our care Doctor. If she doesn't her life will be in grave danger. Her body can't handle anymore if she continues to play." The other Doctor said.

I was assuming the one who was taking care of me was the main doctor of the hospital. "She's able to play Soccer now. But, if she pushes on she won't last. She's using her avatar continuously for the matches. If she goes over her limit... "


The other Doctor stopped talking and then the other one started. The footsteps disappeared. "If that's what needs to be done. She's been with us for the past 15 years of her life since that accident occurred. We can't afford to lose her now. Not ever."

I was in pure shock. I never knew about this why didn't she tell me. "She knew this, yet..." the other started talking. "She'll die if this continues on. She won't survive, even if she did. She won't be tha same anymore... "

I gasped a bit. Looking at the white sheets in shock. I couldn't believe what I hearing. "She knew the risks, yet what did she do? Why did, Gouenji do that? He knew... Yet, why?" the Doctor asked.

"And Gouenji made her believe that she was already well enough. Then pushed her." the other one said once again. Then it just hit me. That wasn't a Doctor... I tried to listen closely to identify their voices.


"Gouenji will always find a way to do what he wants. Even if it means pushing her own sister to her death." then it hit me. Endou Mamoru. But who was the other one. The other voice was I couldn't quite make out the voice... But what are they doing here...?

"Kidou, Hiroto, Midorikawa." He then said. I heard their footsteps. I laid back and pretended like I had heard nothing at all from them.  Then the door to my room opened.

"Tsurugi Yuuichi? " I heard Endou-san say. Then he shook me a bit. I opened my eyes and looked at Endou-san. "Endou-san... " I said as I looked at him shocked. Not even aware that the whole time I knew he was there.

"That's me, and do you know where Itsuki went?" he asks me, whispering. I shook my head head. I only knew that she was only going home. "The last time I saw her was when she was about to head home." then Endou-san nodded.

"Thank you thats all we're gonna need." he says as he gets up and walks outside. I laid back down and sighed ever so quietly. I was thinking about what had just happened. And I was hoping that it wont come to that point.


Normal p.o.v.

It was 11:45 pm. Kidou, Endou, Hiroto and Midorikawa we're still looking around town. They were on their separate ways when Midorikawa was passing by an old park, he saw someone sitting in the bench.

He looked around to make sure that no one was with them so that he wouldn't look like a weirdo. And then calmly approached them. He put his hand on their shoulder, "Hey there." the person flinched.

Then as his eyes were adjusting to the darkness. It was her, "Ikki...?" Midorikawa asked. "Midorikawa-san? " she asked. "Why are you here? " he asks her. She shook her head.

"I don't like what happened to nii-san. He loved soccer so much... " She said as she looked down. "Even Fubuki couldn't believe it. Don't worry we all couldn't. But, in order for us to stop him. We're gonna need you to go back to the hospital."


She looked at Midorikawa shocked. "W-what? why? " She asked him. He sighed. "Your brother lied when he said that you we're all better, but truthfully you aren't, you're still sick. You havent recovered at all." this shook her.

"Oh... So that's why I've been hearing whispers and weirdly concerned looks on the doctor and nurse's faves whennI came to visit Yuuichi this afternoon..." she said. Midorikawa looked at her wide eyed.

"You knew...? Then why didn't you stop? " he inquires. "He's my brother I couldn't disobey him—" before she could finish her sentence though she was cut off by Midorikawa. "You can, if y out knew what was vest for you, you can and would have disobeyed him."

Midorikawa says sadly. "Do you want to keep going—" that's when they heard footsteps. Midorikawa looked behind them and so did Itsuki. "Midorikawa what are you—" Endou stopped himself.

"Itsuki! " he exclaims as he looked at the girl "Endou" she says as she smiled, "Why are you here? Why aren't you home? What happened to yo—" Midorikawa clasped Endou's mouth.


"She told me everything. Let's go find a place to stay first. It's very chilly here." Midorikawa says as he stood up and put his hand on his tuxedo pockets. Itsuki stood up too and went to them.

Endou smiled. "Don't make us worry again—"

"I know, But if I'm gonna die then migjt as well enjoy every minute that I live right? " she asks. They all turned quiet. "No you're going back to the hospital. Whether you like it or not. You still need to snap your brother out of this-"

"I guess I wont be there... anymore"

The Captain's Secret, He is a She? The Soccer Girl: Matsukaze Tenma!Where stories live. Discover now