the interviews part 1

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 A/N yeah so this is chapter 5. lol in my last chapter I got like 4 reads... but however, I have wrote some of the parts already so I am in a dilemma. if anyone has any ideas or tips how to get more reads? because it takes a while to do this hehee:3 if not no worrys and hopefully you will enjoy..:D


I stare down at my plate full of food and lick my lips; one thing about the capital is that the food is divine. When I worked in the capital, the food was no where near as nice as the food now. I begin shovelling mounds of food down my throat, why is it so god damn good? I give a satisfied sigh. Im supposed to be preparing for my interview, but since I haven’t even seen my ‘mentor’ then I thinks this is just going to be a chill day, Fine with me! However its not fine when we have to go in the arena… we might be starving, or bleeding or or… I shake the thoughts from my overloading brain.

Leaning back on my chair, I rub my belly in delight that, for about the 5th time, it’s full.

“Hello, earth to cassia, I told you to gather round!”  Clarity shouted, seeming annoyed. I can’t stand her! She is so bossy! ‘do this and do that’ I Just want to shout ‘NO for the love of god.’ Yeah, im not very good at arguments. 

“Okay this is your mentor, Darren,” I look in disgust at the druggie that is pretty much responsible of our lives…

“Great.” Victoria Muttered, a little to loud.

“You are lucky I even came! I can save your life. Don’t get in my bad books love.” He slurred. His breath smelt so bad. Eugh brush your teeth once in a while if you’re going to stand next to me please! I could tell Misty felt the same way too and she has a thing about bad breath. Her nose was wrinkled in disgust.

“Uhh so can you give us some advice?” Archie said, sounding more annoyed with each word. “What do we do at the cornucopia?”

 “Run.” Darren said simply and miserably. “Oh and stay away from everyone that got over 5… so 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12.” He said sarcastically. Unfortunately at least one person from every district got a 5. harder for us I guess. Our allies did good the lowest was a 4 from Liam, We all know he’s amazing but someone put oil on the throwing knives so he didn’t throw them probably and some fell off the target.

“Anything else we need to know?” Harry sighed.

“Get In the arena, find water and keep moving. Oh and for the interviews, Make and impression.” Then He walked off ignoring all of our shouts.

Niall’s P.O.V

I am so hungry but my stupid mentor won’t shut up about everything he has said before. Mika and Rosemarie were to busy flirting to even listen, Id say if they didn’t listen the first time don’t bother! The chicken in herbs eyed me the entire time. I felt my belly swashing around, getting louder by the minute, like a starving lion in a cage.

I felt like forever until we were let go, and of course I ran straight to the food. I had about 5 pieces with chicken and they were gone in the space of 5 minutes… so I went up for more. What? Im a growing boy and I eat when im nervous!

“You eat loads Niall!” Blaze, the 15 year old girl, who is one of my districts tributes, said whilst smiling.

“Pig” Stewart scoffed. I and he did not get along, which is kinda bad because he is over 6ft and is strongly built. To be honest, he scares me. I ignore him and eat

“Niall, go see Darius, for your interview training.” I moaned and walked over to my mentor, who was looking annoyed. This is going to be a long hour.


Louis P.O.V

I see Paddy nightingale talking to a girl from my district, Darcy, I think. I am so nervous I can’t even hear what there saying. People start nudging me so I stand up and head to the stage feeling slightly dizzy. Everything is muffled and all I hear is laughter. Paddy waves his tanned hand in my face.

“Sorry, I uhh… just a little nervous.” I say and half the audience aww at me.

“It’s okay! So Louis what did you feel when you were reaped?” lie

“Well Paddy! At first I was slightly shocked and worried about my four sisters, however I think it’s a brilliant opportunity.”

“ahh yes. You seem like a very charming fella, got a lady back home?” I feel my cheeks go red. I shook my head.

“Spill Louis” he chanted.

“I don’t have a girlfriend.” I stated, “and plus if I did like someone I wouldn’t tell you, until you see it in the arena.” I tease then smack my hand on my mouth

“Oh Mr Tomlinson, going for the competition, are you. Now one final question, when you were reaped there were some girls there, 4 to be exact, are they family?”

“yes.” I said bluntly. Taking a pause so that I don’t over think about them and get all emotional because, who would sponsors someone that cries when they talk about there sisters? “They are my sisters, shout out to Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy and phoebe!” I shouted and the audience laughed in return. “in all seriousness though, I love them very much, I do everything I can to protect them.” An aww, from the audience. Even paddy wiped a small tear.

We didn’t really talk about anything exciting after that. General stuff.

“Ladys and gentlemen… Louis the tommo Tomlinson!” My mentor made me say that. The audience erupted into cheers as paddy lifted my hand into the air, as if I had won a fight.

I hit the button 4 to get to my room when Eleanor stood next to me. I smiled slightly and she returned it, giving a slight blush.

“Hey your interview wa-”

“Oh Louis! Louis!” Dakota squealed running to me. I mentally faceplam “great” I mouthed.

“Oh Louis, I saw you interview and I love you too!” she flung her arms around me. Eleanor looked hurt.

“Dakota, I think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick…”

“Aww Louis you don’t have to deny it, not in front of her anyway, she will be dead tomorrow.” I winced as she said that, Eleanor joined.

“oh and boy was that lift ride awkward.”

sorry its like really short because I have two short ones because I have quite a long one soon yeah lots of love

Lauren xoxox

p.s I also changed my name to _NiallersNandos_ because the other one was awful. haha

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