100 2 1

Louis P.O.V

 Training has been going really well, as well as perfecting my trident throwing I have learned loads of new stuff. To be quite honest I don’t want to be in an alliance with 1 and 2, ‘a career’ people call us, but if I try and leave I will defiantly be put near the top of the list for them to kill because ill be seen as a threat. I prefer to be with Eleanor and Harry’s alliance.

 Today’s the last day of training, well half a day because we have our private sessions with the game makers, and im supposed to watch people to see who could be a threat. Im not going to say anyone and neither is Perrie, she is my only ally that I want and we have agreed to leave the alliance. When we’re on watch near the middle of the games, we are going run! Then they will defiantly want to kill us.

I scoff down a big breakfast of very rich food, in district 4 we only eat fish and bread. It gets very boring but I can’t moan because some people don’t get any food.

As we head down to the room I see everyone is twitching nervously probably because the realization has hit them that they might die in 3 days time or that we have private sessions today. I head straight to the tree climbing with Dakota from district 1 and Gino from 2. Its unreal how many people there are! In my alliance of just 1,2 and 4 there are 15 of us.

 “argh!! Im so bad at climbing trees!” Dakota moaned loudly causing most of the tributes to look over. God she’s an attention seeker!

 “Hey look…” Gino pointed at Eleanor “over there! She’s a threat” he whispered as her spear landed in the dummies stomach. I feel sick, I can’t have El on my kill list she is so lovely and pretty, no I am not going to kill her, not one of my friends… and I might just have a small crush on her... I tried to ignore everyone they said and carried on climbing the tree.

 By the end of lunch our main kill list has about 10 people on: Eleanor, Zayn, people from 7, 9, 10, and five. Everyone in my alliances is actually excited to go into the arena and they can’t wait to get the blood flowing. Great.

 Zayn’s P.O.V

I grabbed a cloth and rubbed my head, training is very hard work and now I am dreading the arena, well not that I wasn’t already… but even more as it gets closer.

The morning sessions have now finished and after lunch we are having our private with the game makers. I groan to myself and sit next to my allies for lunch, which was delicious If I do say so myself. We don’t have much food in district 6 so on the train I ate myself sick.


“District 2 Tyrone Bryant” a voice overhead said. A very tall brutish boy who looked like he could kill with one punch entered the room.  

“He looks scary…” cassia whispered to me and I laughed back

“Nothing I can’t handle.” I replied and she giggled

“District 3 Eleanor Calder” her face drained of colour as she stood up and slowly walked into the hall. Your training score will make or break you in these games.

“You’ll do fine El!” Danielle said and we all nodded in agreement

“You’re amazing. Piece of cake!” I added.

Too soon after it was my time to enter, everyone gave me thumbs up as I walked into the hall.  I went straight to the spears and picked up the one that looked most like the ones from D6. I balanced myself, aimed and shot the spear. Unfortunately it missed a vital area and Landed in a dummies thigh. The game makers chuckled as I kept missing. I felt my cheeks going red with embarrassment.

Forever and always (a hungergames One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now