Back to the capital

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a/n um yeah so this one isn't very good.I don't have many reads so I might not carry it on:L If I do I will post like once every 5 days or something like that? sorry for mistakes and if you are reading it maybe comment?:L

Mistys P.O.V

After goodbyes we got a car to the train station. It’s funny my life is pretty much goodbyes, no one ever stays, except the two people sat next to me, the only people I trust with no strings attached. Everything was silent, which suited me fine; I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone, Wishing I was somewhere, anywhere else, like I have most of my life...

“Just to let you know that this year all the tribute will be getting on the train together so try and make some friends.” Clarity says and smiles. The thought makes me feel sick. I am about to face the people I’m going to have to kill, to murder, just so I can return home and she wants me to be friends with them? Arghh! There will be people who trained for this all their lives, trained to kill me.

Trying to focus on something else I stare at the view, which was amazing. I wish I could be there, be free. But sometimes we can’t get what we want. We pass a lake which has beautiful birds in, I remember them from England but I can’t remember their names. They have white feathers with long necks that curve in, almost like half a love heart, Stunning.

We are last on the train. As soon as were on it starts speeding off so fast I felt dizzy. It was exhilarating. I think everyone felt the same way as me, probably not. A mound of food was on a table and I tucked in ignoring my company, It was the best food I have ever tasted. After I stuffed myself silly a voice over head told us to all shake hands.

 ‘how am I supposed to kill these people’ the words floated round my head as I talked to a girl called Eleanor from 3 who seemed lovely and I bet we could be friends if we weren’t here. I say bye to Eleanor and go to shake someone else’s but knock straight into someone and fall to the floor, Great, that’s one enemy.

“oww” I groaned as He helped me up. “Sorry I knocked you over, are you okay? I’m Niall from district 5 Nice to meet you, well if we were somewhere else.” I giggled and stared up into his eyes they were gorgeous.

“hey im misty, but loads of people call me missy and I live in district 7 and nice to meet you too and yes I am fine” I smiled. I talked to Niall a lot on the way to the capital. I am considering my ally list and it is long already; 3,5,6, obviously 7 and 11. Danielle and Liam told me not to trust 1,2 and 4.  I can’t kill my allies, friends that give me tips. This is just a way for the capital to make us suffer. ‘Welcome back Missy...’ I think.

As soon as we arrive at the capital I am placed in the hands of my prep team. They are loons, 3 neon loons. Reni, Scarr and vinegar... Who would call someone vinegar? It is unreal how much people can talk! I mean, when do they breathe?! On another downside, I am waxed, pinched, prodded and poked so much, my body stings all over.

“Oh you’re so lucky to have such nice hair! And blue eyes, gorgeous” vinegar said and I blushed “now you look decent, we are just going to get your stylist Carolina!” I am left, naked, while they get my stylist. I hope I have a good outfit for the opening ceremony. Eleanor told me that some people have to go naked. Or where flimsy outfits that reveal basically all your body I cringe at the thought. I do not want the whole of Panem seeing my naked body on TV. A person comes in which I expect to be Carolina.

“hello and I am Carolina your stylist for this games. You will be wearing something that represents you district, lumber. I was thinking that it isn’t very glamorous going round as a tree so I thought we would focus on the weapons, axes. What are the properties of a axe you may be asking... THEY ARE SHINY, SILVER AND POINTY!!” She squealed with excitement. She seems so happy that she is helping us prepare for slaughter. I bet she is one of those hardcore fans. Ugh. “You will be put in a silver dress that lights up, sparks fly out so in the dark the audience will most likely want to look at you. We are trying to focus it on when an axe is first made. The dress will have spikes coming out, covered in mirrors; they will hopefully reflect the light making you even brighter! Let’s try it on” she grins at me seeming overly exciting. I just can’t wait for it to be over.

My face is coloured like a book, I have dark blue eye shadow with grey. My eyelashes have been extended with this black stuff that makes them also look very thick. My lips have been coloured a very dark red, which makes the look more plump. Finally my hair has been back combed and sticks out like I have been electrocuted. I feel like a clown.

One time when I worked for chance and his family, they went to a circus. I had to attend so I could look after princess. It was such a bad experience. One of the worst. I was terrified of the clowns and the monkeys. Don’t ask me about the Monkeys just a random childhood Nightmare (a/n I do actually have a strange fear of monkeys!:L) and to make matters worse princess didn’t shut up. She was crying like crazy all the way through. END OF FLASHBACK I feel like one of the freaky clowns now.

It’s not the most comfortable outfit ever. It weighs a ton on my small figure and the fabric itches my skin also the thought of being dragged around by two horses in front of millions doesn’t really excite me, I can’t stop shaking and biting my nails. I bet Niall is alright, He’s probably really excited and that thought actually brings a smile to my lips. I am thinking about Niall that I don’t realise that I’m getting a deathly stare from another tribute and Carolina who starts smacking my hand away from my mouth.

“Do not ruin the masterpiece” she squealed and I replied with a groan. I can’t wait to get this over and done with, however after this I’m one step closer to the games and that is where I’m probably going to die.


I am starting to think that our stylists are completely insane. An axe, really? If I fall off my chariot, which I probably will and get so injured that I can’t move I will still enter the arena. I can’t believe our bad luck that all three of us were reaped. But we are going to stick together... The allies that we have will have to split up from us eventually. But I will stay with Cass and missy. Always.

As we stand waiting for our chariot to ride off. The stylist come and gives us safety goggles. ‘Always thinking of our safety’ I can tell Misty feels the same way as she smirked at me.

“So Harry as I’ve not spoken you in about a day... how many girls have you flirted with today? At least 10...” cassia says her face pretending to be full of thought, which caused Missy to howl with laughter.

“Umm... well you’ll just have to watch next time and there’s not that much room for me to make my moves” I smirked “and what about you missy? I can tell you like someone not saying any names” I coughed “Niall” She blushed like crazy. me and cassia smiled at each other.

“Time to go!” some shouted so I braced myself for the pain of falling off a moving chariot “good luck guys” I said with gritted teeth. I just saw the boy Zayn, he was in a suit like a car driver they have here. Yes, District 6 is transportation.  Soon after D6, it was our turn.


I hear the audience gasp so I immediately looked behind me, two chariots behind there where sparks flying everyone, it’s coming for the tributes I look at Misty who gives me a quick smile. She looked beautiful. Even with the goofy glasses on. I completely forget I’m on television and just stare and district 7s chariot, at Misty...

We all pulled into the circle and I finally get a look at all the other tributes. District 4 was dressed as mermaids and the boys are that seaman I read about in a book. Louis I think his name is. He seems nice and he’s very funny but it’s strange he could die in a few days yet he always seems very happy and still jokes around and that is what I like that about him. The Couple from 11 Liam and Danielle dress as fashionable farmers which just looked a bit weird to be honest. I like those to as well they seem very nice and no doubt they are in love. I am dressed as a circuit. I look so stupid I would rather be a farmer. Well, my costume is better than Eleanor’s. She was dressed as a mad scientist I have to admit that I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw her. I’ve made a lot of friends already people from 3,7 and 11 also I don’t mind the girl from one, Perrie, but I think she’s with the careers, they cannot be trusted. So that means Louis can’t be trusted either. How am I supposed to fight them, my friends? Oh well, honestly, I have never been a real contender in these games. I am not strong, cunning, feisty, or overly smart; really the list could go on.  

As we pull back in our stylist congratulate us on a successful night and we are taken upstairs and told to go to bed.

“Another BIG day tomorrow” I heard behind me.

Oh no, Training.

yeah so that was it... wasn't very good haha... if I carry it on it might get better!

Lauren xoxo

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