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Waking up the next morning my head was pounding. Maybe last night we all overdid it just a little bit. I sat up and took in my surroundings. Instead of being in the Hotel, I was in De'Zires living room on the couch. Across from me was Trent stretched out on her love seat.
The smell coming from the kitchen told me someone was already up. I ran my hands over my face trying to shake the nagging feeling of a hangover off.
"Good morning" I heard De'Zires cheerful voice.  I looked up and she was walking toward me.  I couldn't stop myself from eyeing her up and down.  She was wearing silk pajama pants and a spaghetti strapped shirt. Even with her hair through up in a messy bun and fully covered, she was still gorgeous. I had to quiet the thoughts in my head telling me to go after what I really wanted. 
"Good morning shorty, how you sleep," I asked her.
She shrugged. "Considering how messed up I was im sure I slept fine," She said coming over to me. She held a bottle of water and two Tylenol in her hand.  I gratefully took it from her. 
"Thanks, you know exactly what a nigga need," I said only half joking. 
She smiled. "Well, I hope you are hungry.  I kind of went overboard in the kitchen. I wasn't sure what all you liked. She told me.
I swear being away from her made it so much easier to fight off the feelings I had accumulated for her. I knew feeling this way about my best friends girl wasn't cool. That was the main reason I had fought it off so long but with her this close to me the urge was stronger.
"I stay hungry. It's not much I won't eat. I told her standing up from the couch.
"I'll be right back," I said walking passed her headed to the bathroom.
Mia came stumbling from De'Zires bedroom and it looked as if she was feeling the effects of last night still. 
Her hair was untamed all over her head.
I couldn't stop myself from laughing as hard as I did. "Damn Mia, you alright"? I asked her. 
She shot the middle finger my way and continued toward the living room.
I went inside the bathroom and washed my face. I grabbed the fresh pack of toothbrushes that I'm assuming De'Zire had set out. After freshening up I left the bathroom and met the girls in the kitchen.
Trent was now up as well and after making his way to the bathroom he returned later rubbing his stomach. 
"It showl smell good up in here," Trent said.
"Tuh you ain't know, best friend can cook," Mia said sitting a plate in front of Trent. 
I watched as De'Zire piled food on a plate fit for a king. She then walked over to me and sat it down in front of me. Walking away again she returned with jelly and syrup and a cup of orange juice. 
I smiled up at her. "Damn ma, this is what's up you really went in," I said.
She smiled. "Glad you like it," She said walking away to make her own plate.
De'Zire just didn't know this was something I could get used to. She was everything a man like me needed.  I knew a Queen when I saw one.
We all sat around the table making plans for the day.
"Well if y'all didn't have plans, I was gonna see if you would like to explore the city with me today," Trent asked Mia.
De'Zire and I leaned in as if we were watching a soap opera. Mia smiled. "Sure let's do it. I know this place has more to offer than alcohol" She joked. 
"Awww this is cute" I joked
"Real cute" De' Zire added.
Mia and Trent cut their eyes across the table.
"See y'all tending to the wrong business," She said. 
De'Zire and I laughed.
We also made plans of our own to take KJ to the Zoo.
After finishing up breakfast Trent and I left to go to the room and get ready for the day. After going to rent a car for him we went our separate ways. I was meeting De'Zire at her parent's house where she was picking KJ up from.
Pulling up into her parent's yard the first thing I heard was yelling and screaming. Hearing KJ' crying was enough to make me hop out and see what was up. When I got to the door I didn't have to knock cause De'Zire was storming out holding a crying KJ. "Mama I'm not coming over here anymore. I'm a grown woman and I don't have to explain shit. De'Zire yelled. An older man appeared at the door who I was sure was her father. He was tall and skinny with light skin & many freckles.
"You can't be any child of mine! The daughter I raised would have known better." The old man yelled.
"Robert leave the child alone please." De'Zire mother said. I remembered her from the hospital when KJ was born.
At this point, I had caught up with De'Zire who was in tears herself. I took KJ from her arms and guided her to her car.
Meanwhile, her father wasn't letting up.
"Daliah I don't want to hear it. You go inside, this is something that has to be said. The child is an abomination. She ruined this families name having a child out of wedlock!" He ranted.
De'Zire was trying to go back toward her father. I wanted to knock his old ass out myself. But my parents would surely turn over in their graves. "Can you drive?" I asked De'Zire who was now sitting in the driver seat of her car. She nodded.
"Alright lil man can ride with me, I'll follow you to your crib," I told her.
She just nodded again. I shut her car door and then carried KJ back to my rental truck. I put him inside the car seat I had gotten earlier for the trip to the Zoo. After making sure he was secure I jumped in the driver's seat and backed out. Letting De'Zire lead the way I began to follow her. Her old man was still on his porch yelling out scriptures and shit.
After giving De'Zire a minute to calm down she decided she still wanted to go to the Zoo. So after getting her and KJ dressed, we all jumped in the truck and headed off.
On the car ride, I decided to see what was up with her and her father.
"So what was that all about earlier? If you don't mind me asking ." I said.
De'Zire sighed. " My father hates me because I so-called "Ruined the families name". My father, grandfather, uncles and so on includes a long list of Pastors and Deacons. Because I chose to be with Kamir all those years without being married and then followed through with my pregnancy, my father feels I ruined him. De'Zire rambled.
I shook my head because all of it sounded crazy as hell to me. Christians were the most judgemental people walking the earth but acted holier than thou.
"Sometimes ignorance is all a person know ma. If he can't see that you are an amazing woman and mother despite the decisions you made he doesn't deserve to have you in his life" I told her. 
"Yea I know. I just wished it didn't have to be this way. Growing up I was a daddies girl.  Everywhere he went I was there with him. I just can't believe that this is something he can't get over not even for his grandchild.  She said sadly.
I reached out and touched her hand.  "Dont even worry about it shorty. He is the one missing out." I told her.
De'Zire smiled, thanks Trill. She said.
I nodded, the rest of the ride was silent.

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