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I stood outside the restaurant waiting for De'Zire. Only minutes after waiting her truck came speeding up the street and screeching into the parking area. She double parked and jumped out of her truck.
As she walked toward me she looked like a mad woman. Still in her work attire her eyes were blood shot and her expression set into a deep scowl. I could see that De'Zire was angry as hell. But so was I. Who was she to keep my son away from me? Who was she to make a decision like that for both of us? Was that her way of getting back at me? Having my kid and hiding him for years?
My chest rose and fell as she approached. I was telling myself to calm down but every other fiber in body was ready to snap.
She stopped in front of me and for a moment just glared at me. Next thing I know she hauled off and slapped me. Causing me to reach out and grab her by her shirt collar but that didn't stop her. De'Zire started swinging wildly and all her licks were connecting.
Finally getting ahold of her arms I pushed her against the car. Not as hard as I could of but just to get her attention. Tears were falling from her eyes and her chest heaved up and down .
"De'Zire calm the fuck down"! I yelled
"Fuck you Kamir" She responded trying to break free.
Though I had a few choice words of my own for her, I knew now wasn't the time to use them.  De'Zire looked like she was ready to go to war with me or anybody else in the way.
I knew how she felt. Knowing that Kamari and now my son were both missing I was on the same page as her. But to turn against each other now wasn't smart.
"De'Zire I understand how you feeling. But causing a scene out here won't do shit but land one or both of us in jail" I said.
There were already people standing out to see what was going on.
"I swear Kamir, I swear if anything happens to my baby I will kill you my damn self" she threatened.
I dropped my head. I could see in her eyes that she wasn't playing.
"If something happens to him ma ill give you the loaded gun. Real talk though we have to come together for this ma." I told her.
De'Zire completely broke down and I caught her in my arms.
"He's my baby. I'm supposed to protect him. God why." She cried a gut-wrenching cry. I held her shaking body close to mine.
My heart was breaking all over again. Damn all this shit wasn't supposed to be happening again.  I guess it was true when they said "One mistake could last you a lifetime".
My phone ringing pulled me from the here and now. I held De'Zire with one hand and pulled out my phone with the other.
The number was blocked and I knew exactly who it was.
"Senae where the fuck are you" I snapped.
"Well I see your still in a shitty mood sweetheart," She said calmly.
"Senae-" Before I could get it out the phone was snatched away from me.

"You listen to me you crazy lunatic bitch!! I have let your retarded ass make it way to fucking long, But now your fucking with MY son. I promise you hoe if one pretty little hair is out of place on his head I'm gonna personally dismember your fucking body and spread parts of your high yellow ass all over this fucking city! You think your ass crazy? Well bitch I must be delusional. TRY ME! She snapped.
The moment she said that the line went dead and De'Zire tossed it back to me.
"I'm going to murder this hoe" She snapped and started toward her truck.
"Yo ma hold up" I called behind her.
"Send your driver on his way and let's go"! She called over her shoulder.
I was in no position to argue with this woman right now. I tapped on the window of the car and then walked off behind her.
We pulled up In the driveway of a nice brick house. There was one other vehicle parked and if I didn't know better I would say it was a nigga driving it.
Before I could put anything together the front door swung open and I be damned if Trill didn't walk out.
"What the fuck is this," I asked out loud.
De'Zire shot me a not now glare but at this point I didn't give a fuck.
Trill didn't even glance my way as he approached the driver side and pulled De'Zire's door open.
"You alright shorty"he asked pulling her from the truck.
Before De'Zire could say anything I was out the truck and charging the two of them up.
"What the fuck is up" I snapped looking between the two of them.
Trill mugged the hell out of me and I just knew my mind had to be playing tricks on me. The way the two of them were interacting was confirming my thoughts .
I took my attention from De'Zire and stepped to Trill.
"Nigga tell me this aint what the fuck I think it is" I snapped.
The rage I felt inside I was ready to unleash on this nigga.
"I ain't got to tell you shit"! Trill said not backing down.
De'Zire moved between us.
"Y'all motherfuckers must be stupid if you think y'all about to do this shit now while my son is missing"! "Y'all want to go to war do it but on your own fucking time! She shot as us coldly.
With that she turned and stormed toward the house. Trill turned to go behind her and me...

Shit I was in a fucking movie. Is this what it's been? My own best friend and fiance shacking the fuck up with my son? Playing House and shit?
Yea this was the harsh reality of it all. The moment I had both of my babies safe I planned to set this shit off. Fuck it!
Disloyal niggas didn't deserve to live. This nigga was supposed to be my brother my right hand. It was all good though cause the nigga wouldn't live long enough to get a happily ever after with my woman!

With that being the last thought on my mind I cooly walked into the house.

A Deadly Affair 2 (Forever Mine) Where stories live. Discover now