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I was sitting on my sofa with my feet tucked under me as I watched a old rerun of The Nanny.  It had always been one of my favorite shows growing up. I was headed to get a bowl of cereal when a loud banging came at my door. I looked at the clock on the wall that read 11pm. I didn't know who would be at my door at this time of night. 
I made my way towards it as the banging continued.  Looking out the peephole D stood on the other side . I sighed wishing he would just go away. I knew that wouldn't happen though. I hadn't been to the club in almost a week since Kamir had given me the money.
I knew D would come looking for me I just hoped that he wouldn't.
Bracing myself I undid the locks and opened the door. D glared at me with a menacing look in his eyes.  He pushed passed me inviting himself into my house. 
After closing the door I turned around to find him on my couch with a cigar hanging from his lips.
"You go MIA for days without reaching out or telling me nothing" He Said puffing on the cigar. 
"I planned to come and talk to you tomorrow". I lied. 
"Is that right? He chuckled.
"So I guess you have forgotten who your loyalty lies with? Maybe I need to refresh your memory perhaps" he was pulling his phone from his pocket and as he searched for something on it I already knew what was coming .
He slid the phone across the table and it stopped in front of me.
A vivid video of me giving him head and another guy I didn't know caressing my ass from the back played on the screen. 
A sickening feeling settled in my stomach. I slid the phone back across to him.
The video was from 8 months ago. It was only my third week at his club when he put a date rape pill in my drink unknowingly.
The next morning I awoke I was in his office naked with him and the other guy. Not being able to remember anything I asked him what happened he told me "we all had a little fun" was his response. It wasn't until a month later when he blackmailed me.
Trapping me in his office one night he played the video on his projection screen. I was disgusted with myself. The things I had done on the video with the two of them was something I wanted to take to my grave. 
In return I had to make a deal with the fucking devil .
Tears threatened to fall from my eyes but I couldn't show him weakness. That was something he fed off of.
"Is your memory refreshed now" He asked me.
And feeling helpless I nodded.
"Good because it's time to put shit into motion! Whatever you think you are feeling for Kamir, you won't be soon. He assured me.
I didn't respond.
D stood up and came over to me. Lifting my head up too look at him I grimaced.
"This will all be over soon, you've done good so far so don't fuck this up now" he snapped.
"What do you want me to do?" I asked him.
A evil grin stretched across his face.
"That a girl! Stay close to your phone tomorrow I'll be contacting you" He said walking toward the door.
With his hand on the knob he turned back toward me.
"Don't try anything stupid Paris, I would hate for that video to end up on every porn site on the internet" he threatened and with that he left the apartment.
The moment the door closed behind him I cried. I didn't know what I had gotten myself into.
I wished I could turn back the hands of time and never went to work at Red Dollz. If I had known then what I knew now I would have never stepped foot there.
I knew that if I did anything D would make sure to ruin me. Though I had money I couldn't run, I couldn't leave my family behind.
I wanted to call Kamir and tell him that trouble was heading his way. But how I would I explain setting him up? Seducing him just to find out about his life?
I had already given D too much information. He knew about Kamir and his child. He knew where Ashley lived.
I was cursing myself for not coming clean to Kamir months ago. The moment I knew I had real feelings for him I should have told him what D was making me do.
I didn't know what D's vendetta against Kamir was but I did know that whatever it was he planned to ruin him and anything that he loved .
I sat up for hours trying to come up with a plan to get out of this mess. I knew I would be taking a chance telling Kamir what was going on now.
I didn't want anything to happen to him but I didn't want my life ruined either.
I was literally in between a rock and hard place.
I knew now that there was no turning back.
Tomorrow things would be set in motion and I had no clue what part I would play in it all.
I couldn't be apart of Kamir getting hurt. He was the only person I had met in life that accepts me for who I am. He can see past the girl that strips for a living and I could remember the day I walked into his life with my only intentions being getting close to him for D's benefit.
It was a Saturday night at the club and I had just finished my set on stage. I looked out into the crowd and saw that once again Kamir was in the crowd of onlookers. He had been here every Saturday the last month.
I rushed to the back to quickly get changed and I hoped he was still there when I returned. It had only been two months since D had blackmailed me but he was starting to put the pressure on thick. I knew I had to get close to Kamir soon or risk being exploited.
By the time I made it back to the front he was nowhere insight. I cursed myself and then made my way out the club and toward my car. I was shocked to see him leaning against his truck looking down at his phone with a scowl on his face. I knew it was now or never so I approached him. He looked up from his phone at me.
"Wassup ma" He said.
"Nothing much, just wondering why you here watching me every week but never said two wards to me" I said.
He laughed as if I had just told the funniest joke.
"Thought that was what strip clubs was for" he said matter of factly.
I smirked. "Okay good to know"! I snapped turning to walk away.
He gently pulled my arm.
"My bad ma, I didn't mean to offend you" he said genuinely.
I still wore a irritable expression and didn't respond.
"So what you don't want to talk to me now" he asked with a smirk on his face.
"I don't want to talk to any man that can't see me passed my job" I snapped. He had really rubbed me wrong.
It seemed every man was okay running to a strip club for comfort but not comfortable to actually be with a woman who was a stripper. I didn't get that hypocritical shit.
"Shorty I could careless about the job you do for real, that shit don't phase me" he said.
I still held my expression.
"So what you came out here to charge a nigga up and mug me"? He asked.
"Nope! I came to give you my number but now I'm trying to figure out if you even deserve it. I shot at him.
A crooked smile formed on his handsome face. "You came all this way ma, I think we both know I deserve it" he was confident.
"Give me your phone" I said with my hand out.
He gave it to me and I programmed my number.
"I expect to hear from you soon" I said turning and strutting off.
Meeting Kamir started off as business for me. I had D holding that tape over my head and I was willing to do anything for him not to use it against me.
But the more time I spent with Kamir, the more I learned about him I couldn't help the feelings that came with it.
He genuinely cared about me and that was more than I could say about anyone in my life.
Just knowing that he was trying to get his life back on track and I was about to help someone destroy it again made me feel like shit.
I went back and fourth with myself in my own head about what to do next.

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