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      So I hurriedly run to the gate and look for the closest tree and yes, I've found the tree but where's Gideon?

''Gideon!!''I yelled.

''Gideon!!!''I yelled loudly.

''Lookin for me?Why? ''He replied but I can't find him.

''Where are you?!''I asked.

''Find me! ''

''I don't have a time to find you. I need you know! ''I yelled.

''I'll not go out unless you'll find me.''

''-_- Okay okay I will''I replied as I started to find him.


      Anika was looking for me but I'll not go out unless she'll find me. I was hiding on the top of the tree as I stares at her.

''There you are! ''She yelled.

''Go here! ''I yelled.

''What?! Are you kidding me? ''She asked.

''I'm not. ''I replied as I cross my arms. She tries to climb up.

''Use the ladder. ''I said as she used the ladder. She was close to me and then, she almost fell but I grab her hands.

''Careful! ''I winked and her cheeks turns to red. She sit beside me.

''So, what's your problem?''I asked.

''Jaden has a problem. The door is locked so she want me to call you.''she said.

''So, you doesn't have a problem on me but, why you? ''I asked.

'''Coz I has wanna see you''she whispers but I can't hear it clear.

''Will you please repeat what you've said before?''I said.

''I will not! ''She replied.

''Okay let's go now.''I said as I hurriedly went down and get the stairs.

''Hey! ''She yelled.

''You can do it. Jump! ''I yelled and then, she jumped. She almost fell again but I catch her.

''I said careful! ''I said as I opened the gate and we run.

''Open the door. ''Jaden said as I opened it with my scissors.

''Thanks! ''Anika said as I left the place.


      He left the place as I went inside.

''You're blushing! ''Jaden said.

''No I'm not. ''I said.

''Pshh, I can see it on your face. You're blushing. ''Jaden said as I looked on the mirror and yes, I'm blushing.

''Goodbye! ''I said as I went outside.

''Why? Do you have a crush on Gideon? ''Jaden asked and I stopped to walk.


''Okay silence means yes. ''Jaden said as I hurriedly left the place.


     I saw Gideon with Anika and I'll not tell this to anyone. Many will hurt if, uhh I have to tell this to Jaden. I went to our classroom because I know that Jaden will take a rest and yes, I'm right.

''Jaden,....''I said and,

''I know what you'll say. I know, many may hurt so keep your mouth shut. ''Jaden said as we went downstairs to find Liam and Jaica.

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