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"Why did you let her...OUCH!" I said when Faith pulled my ears."You silly! Always bullying us."

"Hey guys come here! "She let go of my ears. Ouch, that's...that's what we called child abuse lol."Sam is here to tell us something. Sam,"

"Uhm. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill your..."Sam stopped talking when Jasper talked.

"You didn't mean to kill our friends?! But why did you killed them?! Are you crazy?!!" Jasper said.

"Jasper stop! Let her explain, "Faith said.

"If we let her explain, can she turn back time when we are still with Nadine and Jonah?!" Shmi asked Faith.

"Hey of course that is impossible. Just let her explain. Everybody deserves a second chance, "I said.

"But it is hard to give a second chance because, you lose your trust on them. How can we trust a people and give a second chance if they hurt us in the beginning? "Stephanie asked.

"But let them explain. Maybe if you let them explain, he or she can bring the past to the present time, and make it right for the future," I said.

"Hey hey stop that! What about hurt and second chance ? Hello? We're here to let her explain. Stop that guys,"Faith said. I mouthed the word sorry and then Sam continued talking.

"I...I'm sorry. I'll tell you, I'm not normal," Sam bow her head, hugged Faith and hide her face on Faith's tummy.

"Continue, "Justine smiled so I shut my mouth because I'm going to say something but, I changed my mind.

"I..I'm not normal,"Sam said still, not looking at us.

"Yeh you just said it...OUCH!" Jaden said."I'm just telling the truth! You're always hurting me."

"You can see my eyes changing, that's the part of me. When you call me Sakura, the color of my eyes will change after 24 hours that's why it's always changing. It's not my intention to kill your friends. I...I cannot control myself. Mom told me that when my eyes is on the stage that is blue to green, sometimes I cannot control myself. I am 4 years old but my mind is matured than yours,sometimes," Sam said.

"So your telling us that we are...childish? "Kyra asked while pointing herself."Hey you are too honest! "

"Now, may we forgive her?" Faith asked. We all nod but not that excited.

"You need to leave later before my eyes turns in to blue again,"Sam said and wipe her eyes and cheeks.

"I'll miss you Sam," Faith kneel and hugged Sam. I saw her crying and Sam cried too.

"Hey stop that. Let's pack our things, "Gideon said with a broken voice and he turned around. I know this.

"You crying Gideon? "I teased him. He turned around.

"Of course not! Let's go!" Gideon said and Sam went to us and hugged our legs. Yeh, she's small.

"Bye Gideon! Bye Cezreel! "She said and smiled. Gideon lift her and hugged back.

"What will you do when we leave? Can you live by yourself? "I asked her. I know that she killed our classmates but she's still a kid, I still care about her.

"Yeh of course. I'll go to my old house again. My brother is there, hiding, "Sam winked at us.

"Then why did you go here?" Gideon asked her and put her down and then he stretched his arms.

"Too seek for help," Sam said."Bring this please, "she get something inside her pocket. It's a watch. Not the ordinary watch. I'm dreaming for this.

"Why are you giving this to us?" I asked her and get it from her.

"Let me," she get it from me again and twist it. There's a picture...wait let me change that. There's a code inside that watch.

"Wow and that is what we called, cool, "Gideon smirked at me.


"Are you sure this is your house?" Faith asked Sam. Sam nodded and went outside the car. We all went down too.

"You guys are awesome. See you when I see you, investigators! "Sam winked at us. "Be careful and promise me that I'll see you all on the screen. Solve the virus please? Take care!"

"Yeh I'll miss you kid. Take care. Don't forget about us,"Gideon hugged her.

"Let's go guys! "Faith wiped her cheeks and looked up to control her tears.

"See you when I see you Sam,"I said and turned around to go inside the car. They waited for her to go inside her house and they went back to the car, crying.

"I'm just guessing, is her brother not normal too?" I asked them. They all shrugged.

"Maybe. Maybe her brother's ears is shrinking and going back to normal again," Jasper chuckled.


"Are you sure we are here?" I asked and jumped out of the car. We're standing in front of a building or let's just call it, hospital but it doesn't look like a hospital.

It's a cold windy night in this place. Plus the creepy sound on the surroundings. I'm thankful that we didn't encounter any zombies on our way here.

"Cezreel! I think I know what's the sense of your watch," Gideon said and I run towards him. He twist the watch and copied the code.

"Hey it's open! "Faith said and went inside. We all went inside and the door suddenly closed.

"I know this scence on some horror movies I watched. There's a ghost here! OUCH!" Jaden said while rubbing her head." You hit me 20 times this day. I counted it Casey! "

"Hey guys did you hear that?" Anika asked us and stopped walking. "Someone's laughing. "

"Uh, yeah I heard that. I think it's on, this way!" Bea said and pointed on her right side. We followed her and I heard someone, laughing. This is very creepy. I need to pee!

"Miss Mendoza? "Justine said when they opened the door of the room where we heard the laugh.


Yeh I just want to update because of TheLovelyLadyReader! I'll finish this asap bro! You'll see, you'll see.

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