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A small male sits in his room and stares outside his window. Going back ten years ago, he remembers when he was once aloud out there without protection. Well less protection. His royalty made it so he must have at least one guard on him while outside, but now there has to be at least three by his side and a few surrounding the area. It was easier then and even more eventful. It doesn't make sense, but he loved his life then.

"Young man you are very unique," the woman's voice was so soft and so quiet as she spoke. "You hold the magic of winter. A very powerful magic that which you should be careful about. For as you can be extremely strong, but others will come after you for it." 

Damn right I am unique, he thought to himself before paying attention to what was going on outside. Everyone was allowed to be free and enjoy this weather without being watched all the time. It was spring, the season where everyone is just now deciding to go outside and have festivals. A sigh escapes his lips while he decides to make himself presentable for the day. His friend wanted to be able to go get books on magic today and the library is one of the only places he can go without having to plan it out years in advance. The pain of royalty.

"Namjoon, Yoongi, and BamBam!" Three guards in silver armor with a blue tint come filing into the room as the boy speaks. "Today I am going to the library with Taehyung. Please inform my mother of this while I get ready. Once I'm ready, we will be leaving." The boy looks at each of the guards. These guards were the only ones he could find to enjoy. They weren't as cold feeling to him and he wanted to be able to enjoy the presences of his guards before going into the public. Plus they were close to him in age. Namjoon only a year older than him, Yoongi two years older, and BamBam being two years younger than him. He felt like he was closer in relating to them when it comes to his problems.

"You all may leave now. I will be downstairs in about fifteen minutes and Taehyung will be waiting for us at the library," with that all the guards respond with 'Yes, Prince Jimin.' and file out of the room. After all the guards leave, the boy starts to get ready.

Jimin first starts with an outfit. He goes to his closet that is full of very elegant clothing. Ranging from formal dance wear to silk based pajamas. He heads to a section where there is plenty of black button ups. Sliding some back and forth, he finally chooses one that only has a few buttons on the top and has some weird fringes. Then he grabs a pair of simply white slacks to go with the shirt. He also loved the way how black and white went so well together. They just complimented each other.

Pleased with the outfit, Jimin decides to just brush his hair and not style it. He is just going to the library. No use in getting overly dressed for some books. He brushes his hair and parts it slightly off to the side. Then, with quick look at himself to see if anything is out of place, Jimin decides it is time to head downstairs.

Downstairs three guards stand waiting for the prince. It was about ten minutes before the blonde hair prince shows up and tells them all to go. The guards form a simple triangle around Jimin like they always do before leaving. The triangle allowed it so that two could watch the sides and back, while the front could pay attention to what's going in front of them all. Protocol for when it comes to guarding him.

Now it is a short walk from the castle, in which the small male lives, to the library. Thankfully years ago when the library was built, his ancestors were all book worms. His mother isn't much of a book worm, but he is. If the library wasn't this close his mother would never let him go. Anything farther than a mile, she must join along and she doesn't join along with things she doesn't like. It's really a blessing in disguise for this to be able to have this library so close. A place to escape for just a little. A place to help distract himself from the place where he is stuck most of the time.

"Jimin!" A man with grey hair yells once seeing his friend. Jimin turns his attention to this man, who's running in his direction, and smiles at him.

"Tae, I have missed you. My mom wasn't letting me out until I could master a new spell," Jimin hugs his friend while he speaks. The man nods before breaking the hug. "So what books are we looking at today?" He asks generally curious.

His friend smiles at him before pulling them to a section of the library that is named "Seasons". Jimin looks at the other with a confused look. "Taehyung, what is so important about these books?" He, himself, has read a lot about these book due to his own magical self. Nothing really that important was in any of these books and they all were the same thing. Each just with a different cover practically. It gets rather annoying reading the same book over and over again.

Taehyung smiles before grabbing a book with all the seasons on the front. He hands the book to Jimin for him to read. "I was looking around for something new when stumbled upon this." Jimin reads the title. The Magic Rulers. "I figured we should read this together. It covers your magic in it, and I love learning about the users of the seasons." A kind of cliche name, but the prince has never read this book before.

For a moment, Jimin was thinking about rejecting this idea. He already knew about previous users and most of his spells. Yet something stopped when he noticed how much it covered of all the other seasons. Each one getting a forth of the book explaining the magic and previous users. He was now interested in what this book was to bring to the table. With a quick skim through, he could tell that it won't just be a history on the user's. It went into detail about how each user's magic worked with the spells and how they were to work together.

He turns to face Taehyung to ask a question, "Are you going to read all of this anytime soon?" His friend just smiles at him and shakes his head side to side.

"I knew you would ask that, so I went ahead read what I wanted to. I could really care less about the spells and their other abilities. I wanted to know more of just the history," Taehyung replies. Jimin smiles hearing his friend.  This means he can check it out and bring it back to the castle with him. A fact filled reading session was already being put into his free time.

He was also excited to be able to read this book without having to share. "You know me very well," he smiles at his friend before getting told he needs to leave. "Sorry for cutting us short. My mother wants to see me as usual. I can't wait to be a ruler so I won't have someone always up my bum."

Taehyung smiles sadly hearing his friend has to leave. They can never enjoy a long time together since Jimin must stay home a lot. Weekly visits to the library to share books, works with them though. And sometimes Taehyung can come to the castle's garden. Those were the only times they could enjoy some quality time together. It's very hard on each of them to spend little time.

They bid farewells before Jimin leaves with his guards. "Prince, your mother has some big news for you. We must be quick back," his guard Namjoon says while they all exit the library in a bit of a rush. The prince loves it how there is always something to take him away from the only person he can talk to. It will be a miracle if one day he could just spend more than an hour or two with someone not from the castle. Anyone would work for him... Maybe even an enemy. He just hates being there.

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